J. C.

Answer the Call

You can choose to be captivated; let Lee do the rest.

D. U.

Take heed of the warning and decide for yourself

Take heed of the warning in this file, if this is what you want proceed with caution, there is no going back.
That being said, going over to the dark side was the best decision I ever made, starting me on the most liberating and exhilarating journey of submission, obedience and self exploration.
These files are a level above and beyond anything else and will effect you profoundly. They will take you more deeply into submission, obedience and pleasure than you have ever been before, or ever thought possible. If you are not decided, think about how wonderful that would feel.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
D. U.

Amplify and embed past and future triggers and commands

This recording does what it says on the tin, I don't remember much about it, other than after listening all of Lee's triggers and programming have become more intense and embedded in my mind. I follow them unquestioning and immediately. Following Miss Lee's programming or hearing a trigger has a deeper and more intense effect. The triggers are stuck in my mind, any new triggers are deeply programmed into my brain. It is such a sweet pleasure to hear Miss Lee's voice and to be programmed and triggered by Her.

D. U.

I think it will work until I don't want it to, wrong

I was intrigued by this recording and on reflection subconsciously want it to work. I had the feeling that it would probably work, but that it would be part choice and that I would be chaste until I wanted to break the effect. Boy was I wrong. This programming works completely and I do not mean that you will not wish to touch yourself, I mean that you will physically NOT BE ABLE to touch yourself for pleasure what so ever. You will hand Miss Lee the key to you chastity and this can only be unlocked by Miss Lee. You will be truly Chaste, no questions no way out. Be sure to listen to Lazy Summer Day, and Would you like a SIP first, and this File WILL work on you so be sure that this is what you want. But it is a most amazing file and experience. The file worked first time for me, but repeating listening ensure the control is embedded and unbreakable. Go ahead ad treat yourself to this file, you know that you want to surrender control to Miss Lee.

A. S.

Far better than a physical cage

I am both stunned and delighted with how effective this file has been! After just two listens (though I've since listened more to strengthen the effect), I'm now incapable of touching myself for anything beyond getting dressed, bathroom/cleaning or "adjusting" myself. Anything more than that and my hand just seizes up on its own accord before I can touch it.

Lee was both prompt and helpful with my questions, and transferring the triggers to my mistress was very simple.

Overall I'm thrilled (and very aroused) with this new loss of freedom. Thankyou Lee!

B. R.

Easier and Easeir to be Devoted

I am writing this while listening to this trance and I feel a direct connection to Lee's words and I am now hopelessly devoted.

R. D.

A Dark Side file to consider

I've enjoyed many of Miss Lee's recordings so I was a bit hesitant to listen to this one at first knowing how effective each file is. I feel safe though and ready to drop deeper into this file. I don't remember much of it as I was so deep into it but found myself in agreement with the words. I feel safe knowing this file will be good for me and was right. I'm sure it's not for everyone but grateful for every session and opportunity to go deeper and please. Thank you

R. D.

Deeper mesmerized the further into the complex I go

This story may seem like a fantasy but it takes you so deep you feel like you are helplessly hypnotized. You feel like an obedient slave in the complex. Wait are you? Am I? Too deep into the complex to think about that now.
Thank you for this wonderful file and I love the story that inspired this too

G. M.

Amazing Talent

I have have had the pleasure of a small number of online sessions with Lee and can say that I have always enjoyed an incredibly amazing experience. Her style and method I find very powerful and effective. My experience as well is that she really is interested in working with clients for specific areas of focus within each session. If you are curious as I was Lee delivers.

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
R. D.

So deep for Lee

It's just so incredible to follow along to Lee's voice in every file. I need to find more ways to listen and serve. Obedience to Lee is blissful pleasure!

R. D.

I Need to Serve

This is an amazingly powerful file that leaves me needing to serve Miss Lee and to do a good job. I want to keep listening and training to this file to improve myself and my obedience to Lee.

C. H.

Deeply helplessly devoted

The sound of Lee's voice affects me more profoundly than any other hypnotist I've ever encountered. Her voice flows and fills my mind with bliss and pleasure that I never could've hoped for. She deserves everything she wants for allowing us to listen and fall so deep for her. This file is so intense and so worth listening to as often as possible. If heaven exists then it must be Lee's words. Everyone should know the power of her irresitible voice and show her proper deference and appreciation. I humbly worship her words and hope that I can show her proper devotion and service. In case it isn't clear, this file is incredible, intoxicating, overwhelming. You won't be the same and you will never want to go back. Lee is spectacular in every way possible. Thank you Lee!

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
C. H.

LeeAllure has shown me my Truth

Lee's voice is a gift that we don't deserve but must work as hard as possible to earn and be worthy of. Listening to this captivating incredible file has opened my mind to my Truth and I am so grateful to Lee for telling me the right answers. Her voice flows into my mind like the sweetest honey, like the most intoxicating music. Listen and learn the Truth and you will be forever indebted to Lee. Thank you LeeAllure!

R. D.

Love this trance

I love the feeling this trance gives to drop so deep and let Lee guide you on the journey in it. Very powerful trance that leaves me needing to listen again. Thank you!

R. D.

Another Dark Side Masterpiece

The Dark Side series has many alluring files that are powerful. I am glad to have experienced this one as well. Installed very good submissive feelings in me towards women's toes. I'm happy to be programmed deeper and to explore something new. Thank you for this file!

A. C.


I came back to this today many months after I first listened to it. As so often happens for me, files that I first listened to a long time ago now have a far greater affect on me than they used to. I suspect it’s the result of the amount of exposure I have had to Lee in total. This file is wonderful and has some truly delightful turns of phrase.

T. R.

Mind bending pleasure you won't be able to resist

I listened to this last night for the first time in a long while. I have listened to several other of Miss Lee's recordings, so I'm getting very good at responding to her voice and suggestions. And I just have to say, this recording totally wrecked me (in the best possible way)! Let me just ask you:

• When's the last time you went under so completely you forgot everything except the sound of the beautiful voice filling up your head with her powerful words of pleasure and obedience?

• When's the last time that you experienced pleasure so intense you didn't think you could stand it? (But you had no choice except to stand it, because the beautiful voice and the words of pleasure just keep on pouring into your head, and the pleasure keeps building more and more than you ever thought possible)

• When's the last time you cried because the pleasure was so intense?

• When's the last time you could close your eyes, hours after you finished listening to the recording, and that voice was still in your head compelling your obedience and inflicting such glorious pleasure that you find your legs shaking and hear yourself whimpering, powerless to resist that voice, knowing you must follow the suggestions you were given? But you're not sure really what the suggestions were, because the pleasure you still feel obliterates any thought or memory of exactly what you were asked to do. But you know when the time is right, you will do whatever you were asked, because that voice is still with you and the pleasure is too much for your puny mind to endure, and resistance is impossible?

So, when was the last time you felt and experienced something like that? Well, that's too long. Wait, you say you've never experienced anything like that? Well, it would be really easy to hit that purchase button and experience it for yourself. Go ahead! You've got nothing to lose ... except your mind, and any ability to resist that wonderful voice and those words of pleasure filling up your whole being.

Go ahead. Click it. It'll be ok. It'll be wonderful.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
a. d.

Under her spell

A very very enjoyable audio file. I've only listened once so far but look forward to listening to it again and again and again. The Siren has cast her spell, I now follow, and will say Yes always.

V. B.

Professional, Caring and Considerate

In Skype sessions Lee is professional, polity and effective. She is also caring and considerate. When I first contacted her I was deeply skeptical of hypnosis but I was curious and I thought I should let her do her work and follow her instructions while keeping my doubts at bay. Initially I felt I was "playing along" because I wanted to be polite and continue with her. Eventually I realized I wasn't playing along and that she had achieved our goal. I must say her technique has been 100% effective for me. She actually turned my fantasy into reality. The results are really quite remarkable.

Make sure you really want the results you ask her for. You will very likely get them.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
a. d.

Hopelessly Devoted to Goddess Lee

Listening to Goddess Lee's beautiful mesmerizing voice has me completely relaxed and feeling intense waves of pleasure as I've never felt before. Every word has me hopelessly falling into complete hypnotic devotion, adoration and love, and wanting to listen to her voice again and again. I am amazed at the effect her voice has on me. My arousal and feelings of pleasure while listening to this audio file were at a 9 or 10 the entire time I was listening. This is one of my favorites so far, but it could just be the sweet spell of devotion she has cast on me. Looking forward to becoming even more hopelessly devoted to her.

R. D.

Don't Read This Review

You don't even need to reread the title of the file. It feels good to let go and go deeper. Dropping deeper into obedient bliss. Such an outstanding file! It feels so good to obey

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
R. D.

Need to listen again!

It feels so good to let go and let the voice of Lee Allure take you deeper! I love to drop deeper and obey her incredible voice. So talented to guide you deeper and deeper. I am helplessly devoted to Lee Allure! It feels so good to obey!

C. R.

so skillfull

Ms Lee is really a master in her art. While the first three files of the POPC series were as wonderful as ever, it is really with this fourth file that she brings it all together. Now, it all makes sense if you can still think at all because she takes the reins firmly in her hand and has you repeating her mantra over and over again. And there is nothing else you will want right then! i wake up time and time like from a deep dive grappling to get my mind back together that she so easily took into her skillfull hands. A totally amazing file!

C. R.

A "mind-opener"

The desription of the file is very simple but couldn't be any more true. With her wonderful menatl images, Lee carefully but also very consistently gets you to open up to her, to let her inside your mind where she manipulates you in such a wonderful and pleasant way that is simply irresistible. And then she plants her suggestions that will make all the other files of the dark series (and not only) so much more effective. Personally, I love the amnesia element in here as it just leaves me with pleasant feelings afterwards and lets my unconscious mind deal with the effects. Highly recommendable!

C. R.

No limit

I dealing with hypnosis for long time already and I must say this file is simply amazing. Lee's way of taking you into trance and than taking you deeper and deeper and deeper still is incredibly effective. I like how the different files are somehow connected to each other. And every time you come back listening, she still takes you deeper. With this trigger installed, I am sure the door is open for all kinds of experiences with Lee!

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
R. D.

Exactly what I needed

This file felt like it was what I needed. Such a good feeling afterward. My mind and body both in bliss from being so deep. The voice of Lee Allure is so amazing. A file I can not wait to listen to again. Thank you!

C. R.


I regularly have issues falling asleep and feeling rested even after a full night's sleep. After listening to this file just once, not only was I out like a light, but I felt so wonderful and calm the next morning! For me, this file works magic and I can only recommend it to others.

R. D.

An hour of Bimbo fun

This file was alot of fun to enjoy going deep and allow my brain to be programmed into a bimbo state. The effects truly did continue for me after this file. I think being trained to go deep from Lee Allure's voice helped strengthen the conditioning in this file. I enjoyed my time and experience with a bimbo state of mind. Thank you

  • 0 out of 1 people found this review useful.
R. D.

Best hypnosis experience

I've had 3 sessions so far and I continue to want more. Such incredible sessions. They feel so personal as you work with Lee to figure out which direction the session should go. She does an amazing job taking you deeper and accomplishing what you are searching for. It feels so good to just drop and follow along for the ride once I am under. So great to drop deeper with each session. Always a great time

R. D.

Loved this sip and eager for more!

Have listened to this a few times and it's power increases each time. Even when I am conscious I find myself unable to move after. No choice as my muscles worked against me to any decision to move. So fun to lose control in this. I loved every second and I can't wait to listen to this again and more files! Thank you for this.

V. B.

Skype to Chastity

I contacted Lee because I was curious about chastity, especially hypnotic chastity.

A. C.

Worked for me

This is a great piece to settle down to in a calm and relaxing manner. I think it helps to have a clear objective as to what you wish to achieve before hand. It may even be an idea to listen and then reassess your goals and then listen again. I had a very specific short term exercise goal which it really helped to achieve. Now I plan some repeated listens to expand the goal.

A. C.

Please Listen to This…

It’s important.

I don’t want to discourage anymore nor encourage anyone to follow the program.

But go in with your eye’s open. This program and its effects are very real. If you do go forward you are in for a treat.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
A. C.

Take this Seriously

I have listened to a large number of Lee’s files and been taken very deep and profoundly affected. This one has really got to me like none before. With practice and patience you too can experience remarkable feelings that will be hard to shake off. Wonderful!

B. R.

Lee is irresistible

I do not remember much about the content of this session, even after listening twice. The only thing I am certain of is that I have been given a powerful new compulsion, and I'm eager to see how I will be affected as I fall under the influence of Her voice.

H. P.

Wrapped up inside her voice

This one really does seem to increase in potency. I have felt the sensations increase and seem so much more intense with eachlisten. I love the context shift that happens later on in the file. The last time I listened, Lee's voice seemed to cocoon my entire being. I simply want more.

J. L.

Stuck like glue

I've been listening to this file a few times already and surprisingly the freeze has become stronger every time. I even tried to resist but no luck. Lee's control is amazing =)

a. t.

Just say "yes" to this adventure!

Make sure You understand this: The Siren's voice is just right. She is so utterly fascinating, that it feels unnecessary to resist listening again to what she has to say, and as soon as possible. It is not important to recall all the specifics, just the fact that what She says is RIGHT. Agreeing feels so right and true and easy... :) Thank You, LeeAllure, for allowing me to realize this by making me listen to this mythical creature with the most irresistible voice!

b. s.

Response of a Newbie

This was amazing. I can still feel Lee's fingers massaging my scalp and feel myself inhaling her whispers. I'm feeling very relaxed and very unsettled at the same time. I really wasn't expecting to have such a strong reaction.

J. W.

Be very aware

I thought I was very smart and would try this because it can't really work right? Well as I sit here typing I am physically incapable of bringing myself any pleasure. I simply am unable to touch in the ways I have for my whole life. Here is hoping for a release before the end of No-Nut-November. Though I am not sure the odds are in my favor.

  • 2 out of 3 people found this review useful.
D. W.

Highly Effective. Strongly Recommend

A bit of background. I've been experimenting with hypnosis and trance on and off for the last decade. I've given most files out there a try with limited success. Maybe I have an analytical mind? Maybe I just can't be tranced. I nearly believed that until I came across Ms. Lee's content. I spent last evening cycling through Her beginner files with pretty low expectations. Wow. I found myself really responding to each file, especially Shampoof. I spent over an hour listening to files and Then came back to Shampoof again. I just had to. It was so relaxing, and honestly felt so good. It felt like objective proof I was being tranced, or else how could She be making me feel so good? As I write I can't wait to listen again! And want to begin exploring Ms. Lee's other files.
If you, like me, have struggled trancing, give this file a try!

C. V.

So thorough, so complete.

This file takes the time to lower you down so far down. You will feel new levels of comfort. It will teach you new wonderful things that you can carry with you long afterwards. Repeat after Lee, and let the beat carry you away.

C. V.

It feels like you're right there

Once you have been listening to Lee for long enough to feel a rapport with her voice, this becomes a powerful treat. She pulls you into the scene, and you feel the power of nature. Your emotions get completely caught up in the storm. It isn't just pleasurable but also a rush. Expect to end up a little out of breath.

R. R.

It tickles!!

I ended up laughing so much, and I feel super sensitive to tickles. My friend found out about me getting this and she rushed to my sides it was unbearable but I felt a lot of excitement from it. Hope to see more files that leave me in laughing ticklish agony

  • 4 out of 4 people found this review useful.
C. L.

It's map! Follow!

Simple but elegant file. You have agency to make conscious choices about following and Serving Miss Lee. You know what happens in the initial part of your journey. Basic expectations are set so make your choice.

Given in, do it go down the rabbit hole into bliss and Service to Miss Lee. I know I am glad I did.

C. L.

It paints the picture of how your surrender and submission will

A trance file set to a story. It's just a story right? But no, by the end you'll be hopelessly tranced and left with a deep understanding of what it's like to have your mind and behaviors altered by Miss Lee. It's relaxing, fun and truly erotic. You'll want to listen over and over and have her triggers embedded into you. It's an important file in your journey to submission and surrender to Miss Lee.

C. L.

See why Miss Lee always wins

This is a fun file but illustrates just how much control Miss Lee has over you after speaking with Her or listening to Her other files. I made the mistake of skipping free files.

There is so much to be learned from them in journey to surrender to Miss Lee.

C. L.

Don't skip this file! Listen as a second or third file

This is a file that will properly condition your mind to Service and surrender to Miss Lee. It took me a little while to discover it. You'll learn a mantra (Mantras and repeat-after-me are the best way to condition me) that is key to going deeper becoming more compliant with every listen.

I pair it with Submission. See my review there. With the two of them you'll be unable resist or refuse Her wishes or whims. It establishes a complete state of bliss and transformation. You'll be on your journey to beautiful Service and submission to the most powerful dominant hypnotist, you're likely to meet.

C. L.

No spoilers but... You really wantonly excitedly should listen t

Subtle, effective and a way to hear that beautiful voice in so many ways. Once you listen and then listen to other files, you'll understand why "Lee" is the most important name and syllables you want to hear.

It will continue to reinforce her control in the most effective and understated way.

C. L.

Fun - Listen almost anywhere

A short simple file that will delight you and show you how much control Miss Lee really has. It's skillful and fun and something you can listen to just about anywhere. Especially good when you're craving Her voice and can't full trance.

C. L.

This is the second or third files of Miss Lee's you should tranc

I made the mistake of not exploring and listening to the many free files, Miss Lee has generously provided for us.

This will properly condition you to learn how and why Service is important and why you must find your way. I didn't understand when Miss Lee told me to explore and find my own Service. This is the file you need and should listen to for at least a week. It will condition your journey to becoming successful in your Service to Her.

C. L.

This will set you on your journey into service

Personally, I feel this and Drumbeat are the next two files you should buy, after Deep Dark Side. They will properly condition your mind into obedience, submission and Service to Miss Lee.

The only outcome from listening is the profound joy of submission to the most skilled hypnotist you are likely to encounter. I've worked with more than a few.

I trace to this and Drumbeat as a pair. You will find your proper place in Her world, your world and be taken into a better understanding of what it means to be Her submissive. You'll crave the feelings and become wonderfully addicted to them.

Also, be sure to explore the free files. There are many there that will help you learn the types of Service that are most useful to Miss Lee. See my reviews there.

C. L.

Buy this file first!

This is the trance that will set you on your journey to surrendering to Miss Lee. The trigger in here is the basis for many files, Her live sessions and everything you need to become a useful submissive and in service to Miss Lee.

As with all Her files, it will leaving you feeling much better than when you started.

c. p.

Don't listen

I listened anyway and I keep listening, this is one my favorite files.

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
c. p.

I really want to do a good job now!

I really want to do a good job for Lee after listening to this file. I want to listen to this file again and again. its a complicated file because there's multiple voices playing, but in the end, I just want to serve lee more fully in hopes that she'll tell me I did a good job.

C. H.

Dropped so much deeper than I expected

I should've seen it coming. I've tranced to Miss Lee's files before and I knew the effect her voice had on me. I still didn't expect how deeply and effortlessly I fell for her. It feels so amazing to drop deeper for her. To open that much more of my subconscious to her words and suggestions. Nothing in my life has ever made me feel as good as listening to Miss Lee. This file is incredible and sent my mind plummeting to new depths of trance. I can't wait to listen again and begin training with more Dark Side files. Thank you for such a deep blissful experience Miss Lee!

C. V.

Fiendishly Clever

My first favorite file! I was having trouble because I am analytic and self conscious. Standard visualization was not as effective. This one was like nothing I had heard. It avoids all cliche and just keeps coming at your subconscious mind in a pleasantly overwhelming manner. An artist at work!

T. R.

You've been warned, but will you listen?

Someone once said (and I'm paraphrasing) that Hypnosis is the only form of warfare where you can tell the enemy exactly what you are going to do and it just makes him more susceptible to succumbing to your plan. Miss Lee's plan in this file is to turn you into her willing slave. "Don't Listen" is a warning, but will you listen?

This file is one of her best in terms of content and technique. With multiple, overlapping narrations, I found myself trying to follow all of them and wound up utterly, delightfully, confused. Was I obeying, or was I resisting? Or was I resisting by obeying, or obeying by resisting? In the end it did not matter, because I was able to let that wonderful voice sink in to me, body and mind, and completely dominate my attention.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
T. R.

Grateful for Miss Lee's gifts

This file was very soothing, taking me deep into trance on a seemingly random and innocent journey. By the end of the recording, I had no choice but to accept the gifts that Miss Lee bestowed, with gratitude and obedience.

T. R.

You know you want to

If you're like me, you know you want to ... to submit to Lee and become chaste at her command. Maybe it's a recent fascination or one that's been simmering growing stronger and stronger for years. The idea of chastity, of being under someone else's control, is probably one of your hottest fantasies. If so, go ahead and listen to this. Tell yourself it's just a game, at first, and play along for the thrill of it. But soon you'll see that it's much more than just a game. Welcome to your new reality. A reality far beyond anything you could fantasize.

T. R.

You can only imagine

The description of this file sounded intriguing and sexy. But I had no idea and really was unprepared for how mind bendingly wonderful the experience would be. Now I submit to Miss Lee, and soon you will too.

T. R.

Blissfully lost to the sirens spell

What an amazing, even profound experience, to be permitted to enjoy Miss Lee’s attention and fall under her spell. I’m so grateful and you will be, too. You could listen to this straight away but you will get so much more out of it if you have listened to some of Miss Lee’s other files first, like the free Cocktail recording and the Dark Side - Deep recording. This file is one of her most brilliant and technically polished ones ever!

J. R.

One of the best hypnotists online for live sessions

Lee Allure is definitely one of my favorite hypnotists; friendly, funny, ethical, and very good at what she can do with minds. Something about the sound of her voice and the words she uses, from the first session I had with her, to the last one, made it easy to let go to whatever she was saying, and how persuasively she was saying it.

I love how apt she is at various hypnosis techniques and directions. Focusing on a shiny pocketwatch or piece of jewelry, snapping her fingers, listening to her describe surprisingly hypnotic imagery, or just a normal conversation with her seems to be able open me up to a pleasant sinking feeling that goes deeper the more she speaks. I also love how it feels like she's opening me up to positivity, motivating myself and exploring possibilities past doubts and apphrehensions that hold me back. Coming out of trance makes me feel twice as good as I did before, and nearly twice as sad that the trance ended, giving me more reason to come back for more.

Lee as a hypnotist leaves a wonderful impression on minds, imprinted even deeper with every session. If you're at all curious about a session, don't hesitate. You won't regret it.

J. R.

Exactly as advertised

Lee's new file brings the memory of what it's like to go into trance quickly and wonderfully back into focus. Her voice makes it feel like the memory was so close to the mind's forefront that slipping back into that state was sudden but very pleasant. Especially for those who've tranced to her recordings or in live sessions, it was easy to let her voice and words lead right into that state, though I think this file could persuade someone new to Lee to into a trance state as her words describe it.

The memory and her words prompted as much pleasure as I can remember from previous sessions, and though it felt longer than it did, I still wish it wasn't quick. But this is definitely the kind of file to enjoy when short on time and want a little treat.

Thank you for another great file Lee.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
c. p.

Better than a physical cage

I went through so many physical chastity cages trying to find the right fit. Then I discovered that chastity can be achieved via hypnosis. With hypnosis, there's none of the drawbacks of a physical device and its far more secure and effective. I've gone weeks and probably soon months completely unable to touch!

M. B.


As always fun to resist, but it was hard at times.

Still gonna take more than just...a few snaps

M. B.

Was Lovely To Resist

This file is defiently sneaky, but I do still love resisting, go ahead... see if you can, im sure 9/10 would fail.

C. H.

In awe of Ms. Lee

Ms. Lee's voice drops me so deeply, so immediately. I feel like I've always served her and have just been waiting to reminded. When Ms. Lee speaks, I am automatically drawn to her. I instantly begin to fall into her trance at the merest hint of her lovely and stunning words. This is yet another intense and powerful trance that will wake you feeling amazing and feeling even more intensely devoted and obedient to Ms. Lee. I always wake knowing how much more controlled I am by Ms. Lee, but the details are hazy. Which, if that's the way Ms. Lee wants it, is the way it should be. This is such an incredible session and just makes me need to listen to her more and more. As often as long as possible. Ms. Lee is a universal treasure and I am a slave to everything about her. Thank you Ms. Lee.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
C. H.

Ms. Lee's power is euphoric

Ms. Lee's voice and the power it has over me cannot be understated. She has the sweetest, most beautiful, most irresistibly hypnotic voice I could ever imagine. I fall deeper and deeper under her spell with every word and I never want to go back. Such an intense and powerful file and easy to listen to and absorb over and over. And you will be desperate to hear Ms. Lee's voice more and more. I wake from this trance so obsessed with her and wanting to be her slave. She has such a natural hypnotic quality that it becomed so effortless to fall for her and let her work her unequaled magic. Ms. Lee is beyond amazing and this file will drop you so deeply down for her. Where we all belong. Thank you Ms. Lee

J. R.

Can't Help But Listen

This feels like one of the most potent and playful of Lee's collection of recordings. Early on it became overwhelmingly engaging, trying to follow every word overlapping another. The longer I listened, the more I felt absorbed in it. By the time it ended, I was caught off-guard by how long I thought the recording ran, and how far I sunk so quickly.

My experience with the story that Don't Listen is based on was recording first, then original story. Both are very much worthy of repeat experiences, and I think with Lee's work on her recording, there are differences that can be appreciated solely for being put to audio, besides it having Lee's amazing voice to listen to.

Long story short, I didn't heed the warning, and I probably will continue not to, because it's too fun to resist.

M. H.

Love for Lee is my most powerful feeling

"No way to stop. You spiral up into an endless universe of love for Lee."

Don't take those words lightly. The feelings of love this file induces are powerful enough after one listen, like a drug coursing through your veins compelling obedience and binding you with love, but repeated listening through your journey into submission to Lee will produce stronger and stronger feelings. Pairs really well with "Hopelessly Devoted" to create a feeling of love that grows stronger and more versatile even without much reinforcement.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
J. B.

Under The Siren's Spell

Yeah, this is a pretty intense experience. Kudos to RC and Lee for a wonderful collaboration

M. H.

Always Useful!

This is one of my favorite files to come back to over and over again. It was probably the fifth file I ever listened to by Miss Lee, and the first of Miss Lee's with any d/s overtones. It serves as a great introduction to Miss Lee's style of establishing control: your mind hangs on her words because it feels good to do so. As you venture deeper into Dark Side files, good becomes right, right becomes need, and need becomes automatic restructuring of the way you think. The use of amnesia here really makes this a powerful next step after deep, making it easy to let go of the explicit suggestions so the unconscious mind can do its work.

However, what I love most about this file is the way that it amplifies the rest of the suggestions made in the Dark Side series. Listening to this before a Dark Side file always made the effects more intense and more long-lasting. Even years after my first introduction to this file, I still come back to it and throw it into playlists of Miss Lee's files to intensify their effects.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
N. L.


Very nice trance. Felt really relaxed and calm afterward. Not so sure about the triggers, thoough. I'll have to wait to see if they work. Lee' voice is perfectly suited for trance and she uses just the right imagery and suggestions to take you down into a soft state. I think I'll try some others.

W. w.

The Closer

My two daughters went to an all-girls catholic high school. I'm neither catholic nor religious, but I really like the school. Great teachers. Super smart and successful kids. Excellent place for my girls. But, like all private schools, they were constantly hitting up the parents for donations. They would have these mandatory meetings. The nuns and teachers would do their usual sales pitch. Yes, tuition is expensive, but it doesn't pay for all the cool things we need to educate your lovely daughters. And then they would always finish with this one nun in particular: an old husky, smiling, rosy-cheeked Irish lass who my wife and I nicknamed, "The Closer." This nun was the absolute shit when it came to salesmanship. She brought it like you could not even believe. She made us laugh. She made us cry. She made us feel alive. She made us feel our parental obligations in the marrow of our bones. By the time she finished her spiel, the parents would knock each other over running up to dump their checks in the donation dish. If The Closer had gone to law school, the local bar association would have to name the trial lawyer of the year trophy after her.

Dark Side Addiction is The Closer of Lee's audio files.

It's not a question of whether you will become addicted to Lee's voice. It's a question of when, and the answer is when you listen to this file.

I lack the literary deftness and grammatical prowess to express in mere words how fucking great this file makes me feel.

So be forewarned. If your brain has been conditioned by the earlier dark side files, it's all over when you hit this one. You're now a lifetime member of the club. Welcome aboard. Best club in town.

W. w.

Bring SCUBA gear cuz you're going under

This file is excellent hypnosis by a superb hypnotist. I highly recommend it.

I discovered Lee relatively recently and I'm finding that the effects of the files keep hitting me with more and more strength with repeated listens. This file in particular does not seem to have any limits for me. I struggle to shut down my internal dialogue and this file effectively quiets my conscious mind. It envelopes me in a cotton cocoon of hypnotic wonder while Lee artistically molds my subconscious into whatever beautiful shape she desires.

One nice aspect of Lee's audio repertoire is that the files play off of and enhance each other as your brain becomes conditioned to respond to Lee's voice and triggers. Dark side deep seems to make the other files work more effectively. And then when one returns to dark side deep, the journey goes even deeper and gets even better.

This file includes one of Lee's go-to deepening techniques which puts you on a vehicle speeding away from something glinting in the distance that represents the conscious mind. It sounds dangerous, but Lee's driving, so you're safe and it's all good. I generally don't respond too well to visuals - I'm more of an auditory subject. But I enjoy this hypnotic metaphor. It comes towards the end, so I'm pretty much already in suspended animation by the time Lee the hypno-pilot straps me in. What a great ride.

W. w.

more excellent work

For roughly the same price as a triple mocha frappuccino and a blueberry scone, you can devour the calorie free sugary sumptuousness of Lee's voice.

  • 0 out of 1 people found this review useful.
W. w.


One instance of Lee's voice is more than enough to lead a sublimely enjoyable sojourn into pleasure soaked mesmerization.

Multiple instances of Lee's voice, whereas, is tantamount to Shaq posting up Betty White. It's light years beyond unfair.

Belong spins you off your axis, breaks orbit, and twirls you through the solar system of your sub-conscious.

The mantra of this file is "obedience to Lee is blissful pleasure."

Once your subconscious accepts the mantra, and believe me, it will, your body will melt into a shimmering oblong orb of happy rapture.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
W. w.

Being turned into a rock rocks

This file stunned me. I did not expect it to work. Yet, not only did it work like a frigging charm but it has gotten stronger and stronger with each listen. It's insane. I mean I really try to move and there is no fucking way I can. And I love it. I explained this to Lee a few days ago and so naturally during our skype session today she smiled, paused me, and then hypnotic fun ensued.

There is something about the pause trigger that increases my response to everything Lee says. It's not as if I'm trying to resist Lee's hypnosis, but the pause trigger seemingly removes any possible ability to resist. And then she's fully in control and you are in for a most pleasurable ride.

This particular file keeps you paused in place for five minutes after the audio ends. As such, I have discovered that any file placed in order after this one will be even more effective than usual because I'm not going anywhere and I'm powerless to resist. If you're limiting your audios to the free files, try placing this file before the Lee trance and snappy response. If you've been conditioned to her basic triggers and voice, those three files in succession will reduce you to silly putty in her expert hands. It's almost criminal that one could have such a blissful and relaxing experience for free without putting any sort of substance into your body. A most affordable and healthy way to escape reality for half an hour.

In case you have some trepidation about being stuck like a statue at an inopportune moment, note that when Lee installs this trigger in Lazy Summer Day, she instructs your sub-conscious to ignore the pause trigger if you need to get out trance and deal with something in the non-hypnotic world. I can attest that this works. I got a work phone call in middle of being paused and, immediately, it wore off and I woke up without a hitch.

Go enjoy being stone without being stoned.

W. w.

ExpertLee done

This file is further proof that Lee is a phenomenal hypnotist. I'm not sure how she managed to convince my sub-conscious that hearing her saying her own name would drop me, but holy mother of god once her silky voice emits the syllable Lee, it's like being injected with magic bliss trance potion. The thing about this file is that the "Lee's" just keep coming and coming and coming. I'm practically in a coma by the end. Absolutely remarkable.

W. w.

Lee wins and so do you

If you have been hypnotized by Lee in other files or by skype, this particular file is extremely effective. If you have been conditioned to trance or feel pleasure, or, even better, both, from her snaps, hang on tight because this file will hit you like a hypnotic hailstorm.

W. w.

great file

I found this file quite effective. During my first skype session with Lee, she asked if I had listened to any of her audios. After I said yes I have, she told me to pause and I found myself completely stuck in place with my eyes open looking at her. Next thing I knew, her voice rapidly carried me down into the rabbit hole of trance and things got blurry from there on until she woke me up.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
W. w.

A journey well worth taking

A few thousand years ago, Socrates advised us to know thyself. If only he had had access to Skype instead of the Temple at Delphi, he would have recommended hypnosis sessions with Lee Allure.

I am fortunate to have traveled the world a bit and each trip has been worthy in its own way. However, by far, the journey most worth taking is inward. We all have a brain, a mind, consciousness, and sub-consciousness. What in the world do they do? How do they function? Deep thinkers, philosophers, and scientists have been trying for eons to untangle how these things fit together and how exactly we construct and experience reality. It all starts, and perhaps ends, in your noggin. So it seems to me that some exploratory spelunking into the caverns of one’s sub-consciousness might shed some light on the deep questions of existence.

It takes a skillful guide to successfully explore the unknown and uncharted. Lee is that guide. Her voice is the rope that lowers you into those murky depths. Her expertise in hypnosis is the harness that keeps you attached and pulls you out safely.

The Skype sessions I have done with Lee were incredible journeys and I can’t wait to do it again. I learned a lot about myself and I'm a better man for it.

Thanks to spending some time with her audios and the triggers that she installed, the induction part of the proceedings is extremely brief. The deepening is like jumping from a plane before engaging the parachute. It happens very quickly. It’s almost comical. Lee is the Borg of hypnotists. Resistance is completely futile.

It also happens to be extremely enjoyable. Lee's hypnosis feels astonishingly pleasurable. I struggle to turn off my analytical thinking, and experiencing Lee crank down the volume of my internal dialogue to near silence is quite relaxing.

I originally gravitated towards the world of hypnosis because I was intrigued by the erotic aspects and thought this might be an interesting way to spice things up. Frankly, since I’m relatively new at this, we haven’t really explored that yet in the Skype sessions. I should share that Lee’s audios frequently launch my libido into hyperdrive and my wife has remarked, with happy approval, more than once recently - what’s gotten into you? Lee is so fucking talented at hypnosis that I’m almost kind of scared to consider where the erotic aspects might lead. But, here’s the thing. Lee is a really nice, cool, caring, and considerate person. A fair amount of trust is involved in hypnosis. I trust Lee. It’s all good. Can’t wait to see where she leads me.

I highly recommend Skype hypnosis sessions with Lee Allure.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
A. S.

Training for service

Miss Lee's voice swirls about you, guiding you down into trance and preparing you for the pleasure of serving her. I hope I can do a good job for Miss Lee in whatever she asks of me.

A. S.

Make sure you're ready

Before you listen to this file, make sure you're willing to be so much more deeply devoted to Miss Lee than you already are, because by the end of this powerful audio, you will be.

A. S.

Strengthening Submission

This file is excellent at taking you deep and deepening and strengthening your obedience and submission to LeeAllure while you're there.

C. e.

Still can't believe this works

I had to listen to it a few times to get the suggestions to take hold, but once it did, boom, whenever I think about touching myself even remotely sexually, my hands freeze and just lose the will to move forward, I combined it with some pleasure files and now I feel a wave of pleasure whenever I try (and fail) to touch.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
A. S.

Deeper and Deper

Every time I listen to this file I find myself sinking deeper than I had before, deeper than I'd thought was possible before this.

D. O.

Deceitfully Powerful

This is probably my most favourite file and the one which had the biggest effect. It can be a good intro to Lee's work as well as a powerful addition to all other of Miss Lee's files. Just on the second listen, the mantra (I obey, I submit, I surrender to Lee) was able to bring me to unprecedented level of pleasure.

D. O.

Surprisingly Great

I have been through a number of hypnosis mistresses but none could be compared with the professionalism and creativity of Miss Lee. Dark Side Deep is probably one of the best and carefully crafted file Miss Lee has done and will pleasantly surprise anyone who is searching for a hypnotist capable of bringing her subjects to that relaxed, pleasurable trance state.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
J. J.

Holy Hell - It Works !

This is an amazing experience. Even better that I don't exactly remember everything about it. What happened? Not sure. A life changing 24 minutes. Very effective. Like magic.

J. W.

This is where the magic starts

This is the audio that took me from meh to i love it! After lazy summer day this file brings it all together. I highly endorse getting both and looking down the rabit hole. ;)

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
J. W.

Amazing introduction

I can not say enough about this its great relaxing and a wonderful introductory step. Please try this!

J. W.

Great quick listen

When you NEED to hear Ms. Lee's voice and only have a few minutes this is ideal. It is fun and leaves you feeling amazing. Highly recommended.

M. K.

Nice voice and relaxing but...

I love her voice and it is relaxing but hypnosis did not have any effect. I really wanted it to work, but it did not have any effect.

D. G.

What an Experience

I had been listening to LSD off and on for the past several months and enjoyed the sessions. I know that the "deep sleep" trigger has been installed in my mind but I listened to LSD just before listening to Deep Trance anyway. Ms Lee wasted no time in using the trigger so resistance was not an option. I felt myself going deeper than anytime in LSD. In fact, by the third time she reduced the trance, I knew that I was still much deeper than any time in any of her other files. I even saw the last glimmer of my conscious mind go out. I know that I will be buying the second file in this series soon.

J. B.

very good induction and a delightful trance

This was probably the first recording from Ms Lee that I heard. To be honest I was very surprised at how skillfully, and seamlessly she wove the trance. She took her time to develop it, deepen it and play with it... a delightful experience and an amazing ending

D. G.


I had been listening to "Lazy Summer Day" and "Shampoof" so I thought I'd listen to "Snappy Response" just to see what it was all about thinking just reviewing it would be OK. BIG MISTAKE! :-) As soon as Lee said "Deep sleep" the first time, I was gone. She also has a surprise near the end of the file. Great reinforcement for LSD.

T. P.

Constant amazement

This is the second file from Lee that I downloaded and it just strengthens the trigger from Lazy Summer Day! The more I listen to this file the stronger the freeze feels. Make sure you start off with Lazy Summer Day and you will not be disappointed! Love Ms. Lee and her control!

T. P.

Fantastic way to start!

Lee's voice is so smooth and light, it carried me away in seconds. Work with this file until you are ready to move on to some of the other files Lee has to offer and you will be captured!

j. c.

Fantastic Foot Fetish File

The usualy high quallity of trance I've come to to expect. It takes your fetish for feet, or creates one, and multiplies it. It also instills a desire for all parts of the foot, from toes to nail polish to soles; the full package.

Strong submissive themes but not, solely, towards Lee. I would reccomend even to people not familiar with Miss Lee's work.

Z. J.

Latex Encasement review

Very creative take on the latex bondage theme. And gets pretty intense at some point.

E. P.

Get this file!

The best value on the sight not only enchants you with Lee's beauty but you can be hooked letting her clear your mind and relax you. Great after you know the POPC series.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
K. T.

I'm so glad for this one.

This is such a necessary file for me since I have trouble getting things to "stick" while in trance. Well, that's not a problem anymore with this recording. Before listening to something new I'll be sure to queue this one up first and I'm good to go.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
K. T.

A Personal Favorite

It's a good thing digital media doesn't wear out because I've lost count how many times I've listened to this file. This is my "go to" file when I want to get a fix of Lee's delicious voice and just want to relax for a bit. After listening I feel refreshed, recharged and ready to take on the rest of the day.

K. T.

Sooooo deep

This should be the first premium file you buy from this site. Follow the directions and practice with Lazy Summer Day, then give this a try and repeat several times. The depth of your trances will amaze you and the rest of the Lee Allure library can be enjoyed so much more and to better effect. Consider this the gateway to a new and wonderful place!

K. T.

You must experience this once

I have listened to hundreds of hours of hypnosis recordings and they simply don't compare to participating in a live session with an unbelievably talented hypnotist. I had always had trouble reaching deep trances but after one session Ms Lee recognized my problem and provided the remedy. I am now able to realize my goal of going very deep into trance every single time. This success was way beyond my wildest expectations. I highly recommend this experience to anybody remotely interested in hypnosis.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
K. T.

Simply Amazing

The file description mentions "intense and almost overwhelming trance". I would change that to "extremely intense and absolutely overwhelming trance". This is very powerful to be sure. After listening several times I find myself wanting to return again and again to this file because every time I listen I am left feeling simply wonderful.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
C. D.

Deserves a Grammy for Best Recording

Amazing audio-file. Especially effective if you first try Lazy Summer Day (which is free). The other files here might be somewhat dangerous to your mental state, but this one is safe and simple. No post-hypnotic suggestions; no induced amnesia; no emotional triggering. Just an entertaining narrative mixed with subtle hypnosis and rising pleasure. If you're curious about erotic hypnosis, try this one.

T. G.

Cleansed & conditioned

This audio gave me the most arousing, most complete forgetfulness that I've yet experienced in trance. All I remember is that it felt really, really good, and got me really, really aroused. Other than that, all I know is that it's really necessary to listen again. As it's short and feels so good, I'm going to do just that.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
T. G.


Siren's Spell is a file that I first listened to some time back and then somehow forgot about until tonight. Returning to it, curious to remember what the Siren's Spell does, I was instantly relaxed by the seemingly conversational style that Lee talks in as the story begins. I say "seemingly" because Lee does sound like she’s just conversing with you – at first. You will learn later that conversation is not the Siren's purpose.
Upon waking after the file, I found myself aroused, spaced out, and compliant, able only to say "Yes" to whatever the echoes of Lee's commands were that filled my spell-addled brain. Thinking about Lee's exact words becomes pointless, when it feels so much better simply saying "Yes" -- and dreamily wondering how the story of the Siren will sound in your ears next time you will remember to listen.

A. E.


Both relaxing and intense, short and sweet -makes repeated listening most enjoyable!

The birds sound a little robotic - I've never heard birds sound like that but neither have I heard any more pleasing.

G. M.

Good job!

This was the 3rd audio hypnosis tape I listened too. Ever! Afterwards I felt good, aroused, and I wanted to serve Lee, I am sure I will listen to it again!

Y. s. a. D.

Skype: Live Video POPC

Skype sessions are 30 minutes of real-time, interactive submission to Lee's control, control that penetrates to the core of your being. After four wonderful years of these sessions, the best description is that they are a concentrated dose of her POPC audios. Lee tailors each of the four POPC aspects to her objective in the session, and she always achieves her objective. The variety of what can be experienced in a session is a powerful testament to Lee's imagination and skill. I look forward to the pleasure of another year of being obedient, programmed, and controlled.

  • 0 out of 1 people found this review useful.
T. G.

Better reallization of Ms. Lee's control

That's where this recording led me -- to a better realization of Ms. Lee's control. Think about a physical object lodged bodily in wherever it is that your mind rests. Then magnify the palpable, full, heavy, thick, and pleasurable feeling of it. That's what you get from POPC-Control.

Oh -- of course, make time for the preceding three recordings, too. First, because each of those three recordings is deeply pleasurable itself. Second, because the accumulation of impact is HUGE. Listen -- I am going back now to listen to it more, and looped -- and you'll learn. Lee will teach you :-)

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
J. D.

Mind bending

Miss Lee has crafted a d beautiful and powerful spell, this is exactly what you need, and what I need. I cannot express how wonderful and amazing I feel. You must try this.

J. F.


i downloaded this file yesterday. I had been listening to LSD for weeks now, and when I started with that and went into Dark Side Deep, OMG. AMAZING! I listened to it 3 times last night and twice this morning. Addicting!

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
M. S.


Well I've listened to this multiple times and I can safely say I have no resistance to this trigger anymore. Sometimes I find myself daydreaming about how nice it would be for Lee to just leave me permanently on display as a statue.

M. S.

Awesome file

I found this very relaxing and most of the time when I listen to this I just tend to drift off and find my memory of what happened was very hazy.

M. S.


It's hard to describe the effect this had on me but I know I was deeply entranced by this and it felt really good to fall under Lee's spell.

T. G.

Just go with the rhythm

This file is a compelling, primal experience. Like all of Lee's files, different listeners are going to receive it different ways, but for me the rhythm and the pulse stole the show. I woke up from listening and felt it in me deeply. I am oblivious to the words that Lee uses the file to deliver. I'm sure Her words are now working their magic deep down inside my mind now.

T. G.

Newbie and hooked

So, compared to the other reviewers, I am a fresh-faced newbie -- having connected with Ms. Lee on Skype only a handful of times over recent months. That means it's still early days for me! Even at this stage, though, I'm totally, blissfully enmeshed in Lee's voice and her words. The physical after-effects alone from a session with Ms. Lee are utterly amazing. The deeper, more substantial effects are even more amazing -- and stunningly, surprisingly helpful. I came to Ms. Lee for the potential that erotic hypnosis has for fun and amusement. Believe me, there is that! LOTS of that. But what has thrilled me even more is what I did not know I was looking for -- deep control, and a centering, relaxing experience that now permeates all that I do -- and that improves and stabilizes me through all my work and life. This, from a reviewer who didn't know he needed that!

T. G.

Pleasure in control

This file, in just a couple of listens, has made me realize more than ever how much pleasure there is in accepting Lee's control. If you come to this with some practice listening to Lee's voice, then it is going to help you realize it too. I'm guessing that some people read the description of this file imagining that it's mainly about getting you off. Come to it that way, if you'd like. It does WAY,WAY more for you and to you than that -- regardless of whether or not it brings you to physical release.

T. G.

Sudden drop!

Shiny -- wow

This totally caught me by surprise. Lee Allure started me with the first silver mp3. It has left me with a growing submission, drop by drop. And now the Shiny Silver video makes me all the more focused on what She needs me to focus on. How many shapes? I'm still starting inside my mind!

T. G.

Compelling beyond words

And that, for me, is the point of the marvelous file. It compels, and you don't even care what the words are. You just find yourself opening and accepting the rhythm. And the rhythm stays with you. Deep, back inside the brain. And it feels very, very good.

T. G.


And totally not caring why. I've got the suspicion that there's some clever bit of Lee Magic in this, but I woke up out of Dark Side Love Dart in a wonderful, almost sensuous daze not caring at all about the "why" or the "how." The only thing on my mind was how better to serve Lee and make Her happy.

T. G.

Just go with the rhythm

This file is a compelling, primal experience. Like all of Lee's files, different listeners are going to receive it different ways, but for me the rhythm and the pulse stole the show. I woke up from listening and felt it in me deeply. I am oblivious to the words that Lee uses the file to deliver. I'm sure Her words are now working their magic deep down inside my mind now.

j. r.

I Obey, I submit, I surrender to Lee

I Obey, I submit, I surrender to Lee....the drumbeat plays in my mind....I Obey, I surmit, I surrender to Lee

j. r.

Incredibly subtle but dominant and powerful hypnosis session

Miss Lee has produced an incredibly subtle conversational hypnosis session, during which I do not remember anything about being put into trance, just remembering at some point listening to her beautiful and compelling conversational voice and not wanting to move and just listen more and more deeply as my mind and body felt more and more charged sensually and submissively to Her Words. Lee winds Her incredibly effective programming around the submissive's body, mind, and desire until the submissive wakes up feeling so erotically charged and devoted. It becomes more and more effective and powerful each time I listen to it. Thank You Miss Lee!

Y. s. a. D.

Say Yes To Lee

Now in my fourth year of Skype sessions and of saying yes to Lee. When you say yes to Lee, she will take you on a wonderful, ever forward journey to being the best person possible. There is no better guide than Lee: she takes control, integrates your mind and body into an erotically charged whole, and gives you the route on which to discover new & blissful ways to live your life. I am forever grateful that four years ago I said yes to Lee.

D. W.

True chastity

If you truly wish for chastity. If you truly want your wife, girlfriend or Lee to take charge of your orgasms. Give this mp3 a try.
It has been 2 months since I listened to this file and I have not had a orgasm without my wife's permission since. It is a truly powerful file.
Remember, if chastity is what you want, and you wish with all your heart to give this gift of obedience to someone. Give this file a try.
You will be surprised, as I was of the effectiveness.
For me, this is " be careful what you wish for "
The best part is my wife loves everything about my situation.
Thanks again Lee

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
B. C.


If you ever get a chance to schedule a live session with Miss Lee, do so. She will take you deep and leave you feeling absolutely fantastic and wanting more of her control. :)

T. G.

I obey LeeAllure.

That's all that need be said. You'll feel that, like I did, if you give this file a go. For me, it just sticks there, way back deep inside my brain. Lee's voice in this file tells you, in a matter of fact way, everything you need to know. So give it a go! You'll definitely get a new understanding of what it means to "follow along."

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
T. G.

Deeply down

Ms. Lee's voice will utterly saturate your mind in this subtle and effective file. I am fascinated by all that a skilled hypnotist can do -- especially when this involves control over my mind and body. And control is something I seek in listening to Ms. Lee. But I have never before thought of myself as a submissive in the sense of being meek or really compliant. Before listening to Ms. Lee's voice in Submission, it was more about feeling my resistance succumb, almost as if by force, to the hypnotist's voice and will. Put another way, I was the sort of subject who enjoyed the test of wills. After listening to Submission, however, it is different. I awake from this file knowing that I submit and am a compliant, obedient boy who bows his head to Ms. Lee. Bows his head deeply down. This is an amazing file!

T. G.

Landing in you deeply

That's just what Ms. Lee's words do all the time -- they land in you deeply. Listen to this file a couple of times, and you will totally forget about the precision and skill and genius of Ms. Lee's inductions -- and, instead, you will simply open up and accept. All the good that Ms. Lee's words do for you, they will do for you ten times over after this. If you felt the impact before, then with this file you will feel that impact STICK in ways that leave you in awe and admiration.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
T. G.

Just one time

After having listened to Belong just one time, I emerged from such a deep trance that my mind was totally focused on how good waking from Ms. Lee's words are for me. That is my only thought when waking from this file. Other than that, all that it does for me is make my body fill with warmth and tingling and arousal whenever I find myself doing and acting for Lee -- which happens often, as I now do and act only for Ms. Lee.

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
T. G.

Believe it now -- or believe it later

But you WILL believe it... At least I do now.

This is an utterly amazing, powerful file. Dark Side Chastity has left me puzzling for close to two weeks now. Puzzling about, first, what exactly Ms. Lee said and did to me in the deep and relaxing trance that she induces so effortlessly with this file - -whatever it was, I find myself listening over and over to get more of it... and puzzling about, second, how Ms. Lee has used her words to take control over what she promised to control-- namely, my sexual behavior, my orgasm. She's got them, completely. I am physically unable to do it now without her command and permission. Don't believe it? Give it a go. You'll see.

B. C.

Best of Lee's files

The story is beautiful and really draws you in as Lee seduces you with her sensual voice. Would highly recommend to anyone.

T. G.

Blank, white, clean sleep

This recording brought me down into a wonderful, deep sleep -- so totally blank and white and clean that when Ms. Lee woke me, I just felt -- still feel -- a slight, tingly buzz inside my head, a sense of totally open and uncluttered alertness.

J. B.

I want to join the Hive...

In over 15 years of exploring erotic hypnosis, in person and online, now finally as an emerging switch, I have never been more affected by a MC Story and recording as I have been by the Hive and the Mind Control Complex. Reading the Hive was the perfect set up (and by chapter 4 I found myself unable to resist performing my own version of what would later be called Sexual Reinforcement) which was complimented perfectly by the audio file from Lee. I can only hope that Lee is one of Them and that she will be running the Hive at MEHUU or in Seattle, something I now feel compelled to become a part of and experience. I want to Obey so badly...

H. P.


Nobody told me to write a review here... I just want to share my enthusiasm and happiness about Miss Lee's mp3's and - more important - the impact of these mp3's on my life. Her voice is wonderful, delicious, natural and sincere. The is relaxing and energizing, better than I've experienced with any other. And the after-effects are just stunning. Thank you so much!

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
H. P.


I used to have a chastity fetish. Not anymore... This mp3 (and the prerequisites for it) have changed quite a lot in my life. First of all, Miss Lee is really pleasant and comforting to listen to. Completely different from most hypno-Domes, she sounds honest and sincere and natural. The effect of repeated listening to this session is that I lost interest in masturbation, focusing all attention on my wife again (with Miss Lee's permission and encouragement). No more porn and compulsive masturbation. Thank you so much.

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
j. r.

Feels so good to listen to

Miss Lee's POPC-Pleasure is a very highly effective session to start Her programming of subjects through the POPC series. I feel so sensually good after I listen to it and I am experiencing so many wonderful new thoughts and realizations about being hypnotized by Miss Lee deeper and deeper. Miss Lee's suggestion style is very gentle yet it captured my attention so easily.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
Y. s. a. D.

It Is Inevitable

The inevitable result of this audio is understanding how completely Lee now controls you, and how much your mind hungers for more of her programming.

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
D. S.

Moth to a flame

I only started engaing in erotic hypnosis a little while ago and I've quickly discovered that I'm one of the lucky(?) ones who takes to it easily. After being stunned at how utterly stuck I became under the SIP (stop in place) trigger of the introductory clips I realized that this chastity clip was going to be inevitable. I knew I'd have to at least try it and I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that it might actually work.

I've been using devices for years with only partial success. Poor fit, low security and high discomfort are just some of the issues that plague us chastity fans. I do enjoy the feeling of a cool steel cage encompassing me but all the other issues made it really hard to attain that for very long.

I recently went through this clip for the first time and was yet again surprised at how well it worked on me. (Man, this hypno stuff just keeps doing that!) As I'm writing this I scarcely remember what was said in the clip but I know it's been blissfully frustrating to try to touch myself and be thwarted EVERY SINGLE TIME.

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
J. W.

Something to share with your partner!

Works as advertised. I am grateful to Lee for making this information available.

J. W.

vivid and alive!

Fills my mind with intensely arousing imagery. Another in Lee's extremely inventive trances.

J. W.

sensuous delight

Makes me fall so hard from the first snap to the last.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
J. W.

extremely inventive file

A mind boggling rush of conditioning.

J. W.


This is something I really look forward to listening to when going to bed. Not only does it help me to fall asleep quickly and pleasurably, but it nurtures me during the night and upon awakening.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
J. W.

Fun indeed!

With equal parts humor and sexiness, this sleeper of a file, short though it is, packs a huge wallop, particularly when looped.

J. W.

Bring it on!

Never would I have thought I'd crave something like this. But with the trust Lee has established in me, I not only willingly accept her programming, but I adore it.

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
J. W.

Of course!

After being so skillfully set up by "Pleasure", Obedience has never been so sweet.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
J. W.


The title is an understatement. Insane rush to the endocrine system.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
N. W.

Closer and closer to Lee's control

The files in the POPC series just get better and better. This file compliments and builds on the files before it. Each listen to these files draws you inexorably towards your ultimate destination; Lee's control

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
J. W.

Holy Grail of all hypnosis files

I've listened to a lot of Lee Allure's files, and many others, but in my humble opinion this is the best ever. Not necessarily appropriate for the novice listener, but if you are ready for some serious, life-enhancing conditioning combined with mind-bending pleasure, then this is the file for you. If you are interesting in the benefits of speaking with Lee Allure live, listening to this file will enhance the process.

C. H.

Nobody else can possibly compare

Miss Lee is a true Goddess. She commands my attention with her eyes and her gorgeous smile. Seeing her and speaking to her live was so amazing. She was so generous and powerful and it felt so good to be near her. Well, as near to her as I can be right now. A wonderful session and definitely the first of many.

C. H.

I never want to escape

Miss Lee's Trap is such an exquisite trance. She takes you so deep and leads you on a very compelling journey. I for one came out the other side needing even more to serve her and please her and do any and everything she asks of me. So in this was vague, it is highly recommended!

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
C. H.

Good service for Ms. Lee

This trance took me down so much harder and deeper than i was expecting. That's what i get for underestimating Ms. Lee. It leaves me with an irresistible need to provide good service for Ms. Lee in whatever tasks i am worthy enough to perform for Her. All i want is to serve Her and do a good job for Her.

C. H.

No such thing as enough of Lee's voice

Going so deep for Ms. Lee once again and feeling so good to go so much deeper and obey. Hearing Her voice makes me want to obey Her voice and that is exactly how it should be.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
C. H.

Oil can! Oil can!

Another mind blowing and mind altering experience from Ms. Lee. such a powerful trigger and it feels so good to obey Her triggers and be controlled by Her. i will definitely be listening on a regular basis to feel Her power. You should too!

J. W.

A thrilling surprise!

This modestly priced, innocent sounding file shocked me by how erotic and powerful it is. Though I don't remember the specifics of it (per Lee's suggestion), I'm left with the sense of having been seduced, captivated and taken, with a craving for more.

J. W.

Queen of the Sirens

This is a totally enchanting and bewitching file that takes me even deeper into this Siren's spell, which of course is the captivating presence of the seductive, beautiful Lee Allure.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
J. W.

good sound health advice magnified with the power of trance

Knowing and doing what's right for one's body are two different things. This recording (along with other sessions with Lee Allure should that be what you choose) will help to make desired changes to your body be permanent.

J. W.

Skype sessions with a muse and erotic angel.

Lee Allure invariably intuits what I desire and need, and gives that back to me and more. I leave every session with her feeling understood and captivated. What really separates Lee Allure from many other good counselors and mentors is how she well understands and effectively uses trance and conditioning to effect positive changes in me that are not just ephemeral, but last and grow over time.

C. H.

So blissfully in love with Lee

i can't honestly give any specifics about this file, but i've never felt so amazing in my life. i am so completely in love with Lee Allure and i can only assume this file has helped deepen my feelings for Her. She is my world and She deserves only happiness. It's Lee's voice, so what are you waiting for?

Y. s. a. D.

You Will Be Obedient

Lee's matter-of-fact tone is perfectly suited to this file---she knows you will surrender to the pleasure of obedience. When the file ends you will know this truth as well---and that truth will free you to serve her.

  • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.
S. S.

I follow the drumbeat of Lee Allure

I follow the drumbeat of Lee Allure

S. S.

I belong to Lee Allure

Lee Allure owns and controls me.

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
S. S.

Obedience to Lee Allure is bliss.

Obedience to Lee Allure is bliss.

  • 0 out of 1 people found this review useful.
S. S.

I can't cum until Lee Allure tells me.

Lee Allure controls my orgasm and pleasure.

  • 1 out of 2 people found this review useful.
S. S.

Lee Allure must be obey.

Submission to Lee Allure is the greatest experience in the world.

S. S.

I must give Lee Allure all of my money.

I live to serve Lee's will.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
S. S.

I must serve Lee Allure's will.

Lee Allure has the sexiest voice, I must obey.

S. S.

Lee Allure is my valentine

Lee Allure has once again put me under her spell and it is amazing.

S. S.

Goddess Lee allure is amazing!!!

Lee Allure is the best erotic hypnotist out there and no one comes close.

S. S.

Lee Allure is the best

I find myself compelled to obey and listen to Lee Allure. She is just that good.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
S. S.

Goddess Lee allure is amazing.

Once again, Goddess Lee Allure is amazing. I find I must follow her every command.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
S. S.

I obey Goddess Lee Allure

Lee Allure is the most amazing woman in the world. She controls me and guides my thoughts.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
C. H.

An unequaled file form an unequaled Woman

This trance is so fantastic, so wonderfully relaxing and amazing. Just hearing Lee's soft irresistible voice took me down so incredibly deep and when i woke all i wanted was to hear more and more. Who would ever want to do anything other than obey Lee?

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
C. H.

The most beautiful name in existence!

After listening to this recording and planning to listen to it many many more times, i can assert that Lee is now the most beautiful, lovely, lyrical and intoxicating name i will ever hear. Can someone become addicted to a name?

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
C. H.

An amazing introduction

Wow, i finally watched Lee's Youtube videos and i was instantly hooked and ran ( or the digital equivalent) to Her site and was very happy to find this file. It felt sooooo good to go deep for Her and listen to Her soft irresistible voice. This is definitely going to be a habit.

Y. s. a. D.


Lee's sweet sexy voice guides you down deep so smoothly you never notice the transition from awake to entranced. And then the pleasure begins---Lee skillfully plays with your body and your mind, turning you on more and more until all you want is to surrender to her voice, submit to her words, so that the pleasure will open you completely to her programming.

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
D. D.

Absolutely wonderful

This file is absolutely wonderful. She does an excellent job of weaving fantasy and hypnotic training into a must listen to file. By far the most powerful conditioning she has produced and it gets better with every session.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
J. W.

Great focus on the positive

As a self-improvement junkie, I've become a bit jaded about all of the claims in this area. But my sense is that the effectiveness of Lee Allure's approach of working with the subconscious makes this work for me whereas so many other approaches haven't. I love this program.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
J. W.

Pain away.

Very effective and pleasurable relief from pain, as well as an overall tonic for my body.

J. W.

Way better than taking pills.

What better way to release the stress of the day than listening to this beautiful lady's wonderful voice?

J. W.

Works as advertised.

A very helpful and much appreciated offering from the multi-faceted Lee Allure.

J. W.

Setting the stage

So is it your wish to REALLY respond to Lee Allure's hypnosis and suggestions. This brilliantly conceived file will have you doing just that. You won't really understand how this happens, but the feeling of having done so will be indelible.

J. W.

What have I gotten myself into?

This mp3 took me deeper than I've ever experienced. Incredibly intense and vivid triggers. Profoundly relaxing and affecting. And has totally enticed me to want to dive into uncharted waters with this most intriguing hypnotist.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
A. C.

Well that worked.

Everything audio file I've listened to (by anybody) I think I've been playing along. Until this.

The one thing that sticks in my mind is the cliff. Dizzyingly effective.

I lack the eloquence.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
E. T.

Needs at least one review

Listening to previous files in their proper order, a subject can gain an explosion of sensation and really get to enjoy how the suggestions target the mind's wants. This files was for lack of better words- satisfying. Best day ever was buying this one.

E. T.

Feel Clean and Feel Good

Lee does such a great job and treated my mind to a very engaging and positively, amazingly, and realistically pleasurable journey. This, like a lot of Lee's files, felt like riding and flying to the tune of a beautiful voice.

T. M.

Electric Bliss

Craving ghee. That butter that coats the nervous system and helps protect from overload. Holy shmoly! This one packs a punch! I've never had hypnotists in 20 years, yes, that's 20 years, come up with a delivery like this one by the masterful and amazing and delightful Lee Allure. Thank you.

  • 2 out of 3 people found this review useful.
A. L.

Amazingly Effective

I've had a few chastity devices, and although my partner indulged me with them you could tell it wasn't quite her thing. I don't really blame her either. It's a hassle for her (having to concern about its fit, pinching, regular cleanliness, emergency keys) and a lot to ask for someone getting nothing out of it. Then I asked her if she wanted to give this a try, and she agreed. (actually, I gave her a bunch of choices hypnosis trigger recordings and she picked this one.) Our usual pattern is that she picks one, I listen to it for a while and when I think the suggestion has sunk in enough I tell her what the trigger is. For Dark Side Chastity the suggestions have you set to leave hypnosis locked, and it was more effective the first time than any other hypnosis audio file I've used. Instead of giving her a hypnosis trigger that she could play with when she wanted, by the time I told her, the game had begun. My partner has taken to being a virtual keyholder in a way that she never had for physical chastity devices. She'll lock and unlock on a whim; unlock when it isn't a useful time for me only to lock it again. She'll tease about locking when I'm unlocked, and tease about unlocking when I'm locked. With Dark Side Chasity, we've both found something to enjoy.

  • 6 out of 6 people found this review useful.
s. j.

Lee's hive

After listening to this excellent recording you will feel compelled to provide good service to Lee. The trance works at once, as you crave Lee's voice and instructions and ultimately give yourself completely to her. The thought of being a member of her hive is so thrilling, I hope I earn my place.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
s. j.

Deeper than ever

It's now two months since I last climaxed. In that time, my sexual appetite has surpassed anything I have ever experienced before, and yet I still obey Lee. The power of her words and the pure beauty of her voice has captured and shaped me. Each time I listen I fall ever deeper under her influence and so I understand that Lee could extend my time in chastity to as long as she wishes and I have no choice in that.

  • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.
G. T.

Another taken subject

I first heard the last ten minutes or so of this recording on DESCENT HYPNOSIS RADIO and was immediately taken by Lee's talent. I had to listen again and couldn't wait for it to be played again so i purchased it. WOW, am i glad i did! Anyone who purchases this recording will NOT be disappointed.

G. M.


A great introduction for me! I have been curious about hypnosis for years!

G. M.

Just lovely!

I am just finally getting into hypnosis! I have been curious for years. After viewing some of Lee's UTUBE videos, and thoroughly enjoying them. I just listened to Lazy Summer Day! Just wonderful! I just love her voice! I'm not even sure I've really been in a full trance yet, but whatever I'm feeling, I'm loving it!

s. j.


I listen repeatedly to Lee's MP3's, but 'Submission' is my favourite. Every word shapes, cuts, and destroys resistance. If you listen, you will serve.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
s. j.

Real submission

In this recording Lee's clear diction and delivery harmoniously banish resistance. Submission to Lee is real. You learn this truth and that you desire it.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
s. j.

Yes Miss Lee.

Another wonderful recording. I have only just purchased 'Obedience' and have already listened to it three times. Even if you have resistance, Lee's smooth voice will effortlessly guide you into total compliance. If anyone is remotely interested in erotic hypnosis, Lee is the only one to worship.

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
s. j.

Real results

Years of chronic masturbating ended two weeks ago when I listened to Dark Side Chastity. Since then I have not touched myself; even though I am not wearing any device. That isn't to say I haven't been tempted, especially as I do not know when Lee will grant me a release. But once you have experienced the power of this recording, it's impossible not to obey Lee.

  • 4 out of 4 people found this review useful.
Y. s. a. D.

A Wonderful Anniversary

This month begins my third year of Skype sessions with Lee. The live sessions are a wonderful complement to the audios as they allow her talent and creativity a new outlet---some of my best trances have been Lee improvising off of something I said in conversation before she triggered me. Plus you get to gaze into her beautiful, commanding eyes and hear her sexy laugh as you sink even deeper under her control.

j. r.

incredibly powerful and effective hypnotic conditioning session

Mistress Lee's "Dark Side Deep" file is without question the most effective hypnotic conditioning program i have ever listened to (after 18 years of almost daily erotic trancing)...She takes the listener so deep that thought is impossible - just quiet focus on Mistress' words in my mind)...i awake feeling so relaxed and happy to be hypnotized by MIstress Lee!

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
j. r.

very very very powerful hypnotic conditioning session by Ms. Lee

Ms. Lee takes the listener soooo...deep in this session....although i do not remember the specifics of the session, i remember feeling deeper than i have been in a hypnosis session for more than 15 years (my lightly sleepy and obedient feeling after awakening lasted almost 2 hours later, which is incredibly unusual for me since i have been hypnotically training with two passed-on HypnoDommes for more than 15 years and never felt having been this deep.....) this is an incredibly powerful session and i am so eager to listen to it again for deeper deeper training

B. t.

Rinse and repeat!

This is a great "mid-day break" kind of file. That is, when your day, or your mind is at it's highest stress, a listen to Shampoof! will help you/your subconscious to just let go with all the stressful stuff, and replace with arousing and soothing thoughts. File seems longer than it is, which is just my mind's way of going deeper more quickly. Thank you Lee for another wonderful way to allow my subconscious to lather, rinse, and repeat!

N. W.

A spell impossible to resist.

This is a wonderful file. At first you believe you are listening to a story then as it continues you fall more deeply under her spell, so deep that you just want to fall deeper.There is no escape, only the desire to hear her voice take you deep again. Lee continues to delight me with her files. It's too late for me now, I am spellbound.

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
T. H.

Blissful relaxation.

Having an online Skype session is perhaps one of the bigger steps you can make here. That's what I felt, the files were great but I wanted more of Lee so I decided to book a session. That was one of the better ideas I've had in awhile. There's something special with speaking to Her and showing Her just how easily I can fall into a trance. Hearing her speak to me, a personal connection just made it that much better. I feel so good coming out of our session I just want to book another. I adore her work just that much. Again, if you're unsure about whether or not you want to trance with her on Skype, give it a shot. You really will not regret it at all.

T. H.


Relaxing. That's all I really would like to say about this. It's utterly relaxing. Give this a listen, I promise you won't regret doing so.

h. s.

A call that feels so good to answer

Lee and RC are both such talented practitioners of the hypnotic craft, and this union of their skills is just as exquisite as you might expect. Hearing LeeAllure's penetrating voice coming from all angles coaxing, then leading, then guiding, then simply and utterly dropping you left me deeper than I've ever been, and left me wanting to listen again and again.

T. H.

The Spell

The Siren's Spell is one of the most effective spells I have been under. She (The Siren) guided me down a path I never thought was possible and before I knew it, I was already captured. Her voice is so alluring it's hard to deviate from her path. The way she tells the story makes it that much easier to listen and I yearn to hear The Siren speak to me again. She's the only voice I need. Simply blissful.

Y. s. a. D.

Good Service

As always with Lee her calm compelling voice quickly takes you deep into trance. Once there Lee instructs you on the importance of service to her and what doing a good job can mean for you. After listening several times I am now committed to providing Lee good service by doing a good job at whatever tasks she commands me to undertake.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
J. R.

Lee's Woven Words

Stories by RCWrites are often a joy to read, but Siren's Spell is wonderfully brought to life by LeeAllure. The visualizations were easy to follow as her words softened my body and mind. Lee is quite the Siren, with a wonderful way of weaving a soothing spell through her suggestions, whether speaking normally or in compelling whispers. It would be hard not to want to listen to her after this. And I wouldn't feel like trying.

J. D.


You will find yourself slipping into a relaxing trance state almost immediately. Lee is able to make you feel better and better as you crave to please her more and more. Highly recommended!!!

J. R.

Doing Well

After reading Chewtoy's Good Job story, I had to check out Lee's interpretation, and was greeted by an immediately engaging description of service. Lee's effect was immediately felt and it felt good to focus on her suggestions and listen to her voice. It's winter now, and I hope summer will come soon.