Pain Management1: This audio is designed to help you diminish pain, to sleep well, and to put yourself on the path to recovery and feeling well. 21 minutes 7/19/2010
(f) Originally titled Weight Loss, I revised it to Having YOUR Perfect Body because of the over riding theme in the audio. I use this myself at night, as I'm falling asleep. Since using this, I have changed my diet and exercise habits, come to some interesting revelations about what I eat, and have lost 11 lbs as of 11.09.10. 31 minutes 7/24/2010
Sometimes Mindful meditation is easier when someone else's voice guides you. This audio walks you through getting in touch with your body and how it feels. Can be done while standing or seated. May elicit strong emotions.
PowerNap.mp3Power Nap: Allows you a deep 25 min. nap. 5 minutes 6/21/2010
Works as advertised.
A very helpful and much appreciated offering from the multi-faceted Lee Allure.