Hand Stick
Hand Stick: How suggestible are you? Listen and follow along!
Would You Like a SIP?
Would You Like a SIP? You may or may not know by now that Lazy Summer Day is my quick induction file with some lovely triggers in it. You may be wanting to test those triggers out, and have found it difficult to get a hold of me. This audio allows you to experience the Stop In Place trigger set from Lazy Summer Day a few times during the course of this audio. Allow 15 minutes to experience. 10 minutes 11/11/2010
I've been listening to this file a few times already and surprisingly the freeze has become stronger every time. I even tried to resist but no luck. Lee's control is amazing =)
This file stunned me. I did not expect it to work. Yet, not only did it work like a frigging charm but it has gotten stronger and stronger with each listen. It's insane. I mean I really try to move and there is no fucking way I can. And I love it. I explained this to Lee a few days ago and so naturally during our skype session today she smiled, paused me, and then hypnotic fun ensued.
There is something about the pause trigger that increases my response to everything Lee says. It's not as if I'm trying to resist Lee's hypnosis, but the pause trigger seemingly removes any possible ability to resist. And then she's fully in control and you are in for a most pleasurable ride.
This particular file keeps you paused in place for five minutes after the audio ends. As such, I have discovered that any file placed in order after this one will be even more effective than usual because I'm not going anywhere and I'm powerless to resist. If you're limiting your audios to the free files, try placing this file before the Lee trance and snappy response. If you've been conditioned to her basic triggers and voice, those three files in succession will reduce you to silly putty in her expert hands. It's almost criminal that one could have such a blissful and relaxing experience for free without putting any sort of substance into your body. A most affordable and healthy way to escape reality for half an hour.
In case you have some trepidation about being stuck like a statue at an inopportune moment, note that when Lee installs this trigger in Lazy Summer Day, she instructs your sub-conscious to ignore the pause trigger if you need to get out trance and deal with something in the non-hypnotic world. I can attest that this works. I got a work phone call in middle of being paused and, immediately, it wore off and I woke up without a hitch.
Go enjoy being stone without being stoned.
This is the audio that took me from meh to i love it! After lazy summer day this file brings it all together. I highly endorse getting both and looking down the rabit hole. ;)
Loved this sip and eager for more!
Have listened to this a few times and it's power increases each time. Even when I am conscious I find myself unable to move after. No choice as my muscles worked against me to any decision to move. So fun to lose control in this. I loved every second and I can't wait to listen to this again and more files! Thank you for this.