4 - Dark Side Addiction
($) Some addictions are bad for you. This one is very, very good for you. Why? The sound of my voice can do amazing things to you and for you, and all you have to do is to say "Yes".
($)Go more deeply into trance, more easily, more naturally, than before. Repeated listens enhance effects. Make sure you pick up the free file Lazy Summer Day, before listening to this one.
Designed to allow you to go more deeply into trance than ever before. This audio takes advantage of the instant sleep trigger in Lazy Summer Day, and is a prerequisite for many of the other files found here. (Right click and save link above) Lazy Summer Day contains an instant sleep trigger, a stop in place trigger, and a text icon trigger ;) to make you happy!
Feedback about this file HERE!
This is the trance that will set you on your journey to surrendering to Miss Lee. The trigger in here is the basis for many files, Her live sessions and everything you need to become a useful submissive and in service to Miss Lee.
As with all Her files, it will leaving you feeling much better than when you started.
I should've seen it coming. I've tranced to Miss Lee's files before and I knew the effect her voice had on me. I still didn't expect how deeply and effortlessly I fell for her. It feels so amazing to drop deeper for her. To open that much more of my subconscious to her words and suggestions. Nothing in my life has ever made me feel as good as listening to Miss Lee. This file is incredible and sent my mind plummeting to new depths of trance. I can't wait to listen again and begin training with more Dark Side files. Thank you for such a deep blissful experience Miss Lee!
This file is excellent hypnosis by a superb hypnotist. I highly recommend it.
I discovered Lee relatively recently and I'm finding that the effects of the files keep hitting me with more and more strength with repeated listens. This file in particular does not seem to have any limits for me. I struggle to shut down my internal dialogue and this file effectively quiets my conscious mind. It envelopes me in a cotton cocoon of hypnotic wonder while Lee artistically molds my subconscious into whatever beautiful shape she desires.
One nice aspect of Lee's audio repertoire is that the files play off of and enhance each other as your brain becomes conditioned to respond to Lee's voice and triggers. Dark side deep seems to make the other files work more effectively. And then when one returns to dark side deep, the journey goes even deeper and gets even better.
This file includes one of Lee's go-to deepening techniques which puts you on a vehicle speeding away from something glinting in the distance that represents the conscious mind. It sounds dangerous, but Lee's driving, so you're safe and it's all good. I generally don't respond too well to visuals - I'm more of an auditory subject. But I enjoy this hypnotic metaphor. It comes towards the end, so I'm pretty much already in suspended animation by the time Lee the hypno-pilot straps me in. What a great ride.
No limit
I dealing with hypnosis for long time already and I must say this file is simply amazing. Lee's way of taking you into trance and than taking you deeper and deeper and deeper still is incredibly effective. I like how the different files are somehow connected to each other. And every time you come back listening, she still takes you deeper. With this trigger installed, I am sure the door is open for all kinds of experiences with Lee!