6 - Dark Side Submission
(s) Dark Side Submission: Feeling the desire to submit, and being able to do something about it, are two very different things. Realise your dreams!
($) Some addictions are bad for you. This one is very, very good for you. Why? The sound of my voice can do amazing things to you and for you, and all you have to do is to say "Yes".
Uses the DeepDeep Trigger, then takes you even deeper down into your subconscious mind, to explore what you want and why you want it. When you know what you want, when you REALLY, REALLY know, getting what you want theoretically becomes easier. But what happens when what you want is one of a kind, rare, precious, desired by more than just you, and difficult to obtain?
What happens when your mere desire isn't enough? You begin to crave. That craving reaches down, takes hold, grows, and grows and grows inside you.
It's a good thing digital media doesn't wear out because I've lost count how many times I've listened to this file. This is my "go to" file when I want to get a fix of Lee's delicious voice and just want to relax for a bit. After listening I feel refreshed, recharged and ready to take on the rest of the day.
Lee Allure has the sexiest voice, I must obey.
Listening to previous files in their proper order, a subject can gain an explosion of sensation and really get to enjoy how the suggestions target the mind's wants. This files was for lack of better words- satisfying. Best day ever was buying this one.
The Closer
My two daughters went to an all-girls catholic high school. I'm neither catholic nor religious, but I really like the school. Great teachers. Super smart and successful kids. Excellent place for my girls. But, like all private schools, they were constantly hitting up the parents for donations. They would have these mandatory meetings. The nuns and teachers would do their usual sales pitch. Yes, tuition is expensive, but it doesn't pay for all the cool things we need to educate your lovely daughters. And then they would always finish with this one nun in particular: an old husky, smiling, rosy-cheeked Irish lass who my wife and I nicknamed, "The Closer." This nun was the absolute shit when it came to salesmanship. She brought it like you could not even believe. She made us laugh. She made us cry. She made us feel alive. She made us feel our parental obligations in the marrow of our bones. By the time she finished her spiel, the parents would knock each other over running up to dump their checks in the donation dish. If The Closer had gone to law school, the local bar association would have to name the trial lawyer of the year trophy after her.
Dark Side Addiction is The Closer of Lee's audio files.
It's not a question of whether you will become addicted to Lee's voice. It's a question of when, and the answer is when you listen to this file.
I lack the literary deftness and grammatical prowess to express in mere words how fucking great this file makes me feel.
So be forewarned. If your brain has been conditioned by the earlier dark side files, it's all over when you hit this one. You're now a lifetime member of the club. Welcome aboard. Best club in town.