As far back as you can remember, you've wanted to be a pretty, silly, giggly, very sexual woman. This audio gets you there, and keeps you there for an hour the first time you listen.
Each additional listen allows you to change more and more, subtly or overtly, as you choose, as you listen. Enjoy discovering the feminine sexy side of you with this audio.
f/f themes, strong language, short term changes, long term changes with repeated listens, lowering IQ, happy, fun, sexy. Wash your hands before you begin...
45 minutes. Stereo mp3 format
An hour of Bimbo fun
This file was alot of fun to enjoy going deep and allow my brain to be programmed into a bimbo state. The effects truly did continue for me after this file. I think being trained to go deep from Lee Allure's voice helped strengthen the conditioning in this file. I enjoyed my time and experience with a bimbo state of mind. Thank you