Part one of the POPC mini-series allows you, encourages you, to feel pleasure as you listen to my voice.
Includes 2 files in a zip, 1 full file, one for looping.
Belong uses hypnosis, NLP and multiple tracks to create an intense and almost overwhelming trance. Requires Stereo Headphones. 37 min long.
Belong causes you to feel so wonderfully good as you listen, and creates latent responses, so that you feel better and better, even after hearing it. It's possible that some may consider this brainwashing; you'll only do what you really want to, and your brain will be spotless by the time you're done listening and listening.
Themes of submission, obedience and pleasure.
The file description mentions "intense and almost overwhelming trance". I would change that to "extremely intense and absolutely overwhelming trance". This is very powerful to be sure. After listening several times I find myself wanting to return again and again to this file because every time I listen I am left feeling simply wonderful.
After having listened to Belong just one time, I emerged from such a deep trance that my mind was totally focused on how good waking from Ms. Lee's words are for me. That is my only thought when waking from this file. Other than that, all that it does for me is make my body fill with warmth and tingling and arousal whenever I find myself doing and acting for Lee -- which happens often, as I now do and act only for Ms. Lee.
Lee Allure owns and controls me.
Part one of the POPC mini-series allows you, encourages you, to feel pleasure as you listen to my voice.
Includes 2 files in a zip, 1 full file, one for looping.
($) RubberDoll's Latex trance - wearing your latex makes you feel good, and this makes you feel more submissive, and even better. Triggers your submission and enjoyment every time you wear your latex.
Whether you've been in trance once before or a hundred, it really doesn't matter...
Have you ever wanted to feel right on the edge of trance without any effort or will on your own part? Then this is the file for you. It takes you right to the edge of trance before you even know it's happening.
($) Shiny Silver Submission - This audio brings your submission out to the world, and then brings the world into your submission. Each listen and every time inbetween brings you closer and deeper into submission, making you more aware of how you feel, making you feel more.
Mind & Body: This audio brings your mind and your body into agreement about the sound of my voice, and how wonderful you find it. This is just an audio to listen to and enjoy. Lazy Summer Day is a recommended prerequisite. 20 minutes 10/28/2010
(s) Dark Side Submission: Feeling the desire to submit, and being able to do something about it, are two very different things. Realise your dreams!
($) This file makes your mind allow suggestions and triggers to be more strongly attached to it, in a most pleasant way.
Part two of the POPC mini-series trains you to feel pleasure when you're obedient to me.
Includes one Obedience file for looping.
Part four of the POPC mini-series Lets you feel just how good it is to be controlled, to embrace and look forward to it, to want and crave it.
Say Bye-bye to your brain!
You don't really need it for the next 19 minutes, anyway. ;)
FOLLOW ALONG: This audio helps you help yourself, to be
more controlled, more submissive and more obedient to
ANYONE YOU'D LIKE; I am the default.
This audio can be intense, so choose who to obey carefully.
Audio has sound effects and gentle multiple layers your
subconscious mind will pick up on and follow to get you
into trance just fine.
23 min. Stereo .mp3
POPC-Programming continues the POPC series with the third inevitable audio for you to enjoy.
($) You know that money is power. Because you love to be financially controlled, you're the weak one, and must keep turning your money over to a strong woman in order for that balance to be maintained. This is a stand alone audio. No others are required, but Sticky & Love Dart go VERY well in front of it, and the POPC series is a potent chaser.
($) All locked up; no place to touch!
An excellent overview of this file, how it works, & some general hypnosis ideas:
Belong uses hypnosis, NLP and multiple tracks to create an intense and almost overwhelming trance. Requires Stereo Headphones. 37 min long.
One instance of Lee's voice is more than enough to lead a sublimely enjoyable sojourn into pleasure soaked mesmerization.
Multiple instances of Lee's voice, whereas, is tantamount to Shaq posting up Betty White. It's light years beyond unfair.
Belong spins you off your axis, breaks orbit, and twirls you through the solar system of your sub-conscious.
The mantra of this file is "obedience to Lee is blissful pleasure."
Once your subconscious accepts the mantra, and believe me, it will, your body will melt into a shimmering oblong orb of happy rapture.