Part two of the POPC mini-series trains you to feel pleasure when you're obedient to me.
Includes one Obedience file for looping.
($) Shiny Silver Submission - This audio brings your submission out to the world, and then brings the world into your submission. Each listen and every time inbetween brings you closer and deeper into submission, making you more aware of how you feel, making you feel more.
($) Shiny Silver Submission - This audio brings your submission out to the world, and then brings the world into your submission. Each listen and every time inbetween brings you closer and deeper into submission, making you more aware of how you feel, making you feel more. 22 min 2/16/2011
Part two of the POPC mini-series trains you to feel pleasure when you're obedient to me.
Includes one Obedience file for looping.
($) This file makes your mind allow suggestions and triggers to be more strongly attached to it, in a most pleasant way.
Shiny Silver #3 - continuing my eye fixation & shiny silver fascination
Belong uses hypnosis, NLP and multiple tracks to create an intense and almost overwhelming trance. Requires Stereo Headphones. 37 min long.
($)Go more deeply into trance, more easily, more naturally, than before. Repeated listens enhance effects. Make sure you pick up the free file Lazy Summer Day, before listening to this one.
Part one of the POPC mini-series allows you, encourages you, to feel pleasure as you listen to my voice.
Includes 2 files in a zip, 1 full file, one for looping.
Whether you've been in trance once before or a hundred, it really doesn't matter...
Have you ever wanted to feel right on the edge of trance without any effort or will on your own part? Then this is the file for you. It takes you right to the edge of trance before you even know it's happening.
Written by RC Writes, voiced by LeeAllure, this captivating 31min audio file takes you on a journey, tells you a story, deeply hypnotizes and spellbinds you until you're the willing captive of your seductive Siren. Every listen takes you further and makes you feel even better.
As far back as you can remember, you've wanted to be a pretty, silly, giggly, very sexual woman. This audio gets you there, and keeps you there for an hour the first time you listen.
($) All locked up; no place to touch!
An excellent overview of this file, how it works, & some general hypnosis ideas:
The Truth is meant to be looped, played over and over until you're certain ...
Sample: https://leeallure.com/TheTruthSample.mp3
($) Some addictions are bad for you. This one is very, very good for you. Why? The sound of my voice can do amazing things to you and for you, and all you have to do is to say "Yes".
Say Bye-bye to your brain!
You don't really need it for the next 19 minutes, anyway. ;)
($) RubberDoll's Latex trance - wearing your latex makes you feel good, and this makes you feel more submissive, and even better. Triggers your submission and enjoyment every time you wear your latex.
($) Shiny Silver Submission - This audio brings your submission out to the world, and then brings the world into your submission. Each listen and every time inbetween brings you closer and deeper into submission, making you more aware of how you feel, making you feel more.
Get this file!
The best value on the sight not only enchants you with Lee's beauty but you can be hooked letting her clear your mind and relax you. Great after you know the POPC series.