Dark Side Intro
(f) Lee introduces the Dark Side Files, enticing you to listen, cautioning you why you shouldn't!
($) Fall deeply in love with your hypnotist, become addicted to her voice, experience that delightful happiness from a deep, enduring love.
* This audio uses the Instant Sleep Trigger from Deep Trance.
Your heart will be so filled with love for Lee, you'll fear it might burst. But it won't. It will just keep filling up more and more. And you think you can't take it. But there's nothing you can do. No way to stop. You spiral up into an endless universe of love for Lee.
This audio takes it's title from the Marsha, Queen of Diamonds episode from the original Batman series. This is a romantic audio, evoking first love, true love, deep love.You will fall in love with me, adore me, my voice, and everything about me. Repeated listens will intensify these feelings of romantic love. This file is addictive, so please purchase only if falling in love with me, being addicted to me, is something you're actively looking for.
I have listened to a large number of Lee’s files and been taken very deep and profoundly affected. This one has really got to me like none before. With practice and patience you too can experience remarkable feelings that will be hard to shake off. Wonderful!
"No way to stop. You spiral up into an endless universe of love for Lee."
Don't take those words lightly. The feelings of love this file induces are powerful enough after one listen, like a drug coursing through your veins compelling obedience and binding you with love, but repeated listening through your journey into submission to Lee will produce stronger and stronger feelings. Pairs really well with "Hopelessly Devoted" to create a feeling of love that grows stronger and more versatile even without much reinforcement.
And totally not caring why. I've got the suspicion that there's some clever bit of Lee Magic in this, but I woke up out of Dark Side Love Dart in a wonderful, almost sensuous daze not caring at all about the "why" or the "how." The only thing on my mind was how better to serve Lee and make Her happy.
Love this trance
I love the feeling this trance gives to drop so deep and let Lee guide you on the journey in it. Very powerful trance that leaves me needing to listen again. Thank you!