This file is simple, straightforward and effective. Even though there are no triggers, the suggestions inside may cause you to think differently about the words you hear daily. 8 minutes 9/05/2010
No spoilers but... You really wantonly excitedly should listen t
Subtle, effective and a way to hear that beautiful voice in so many ways. Once you listen and then listen to other files, you'll understand why "Lee" is the most important name and syllables you want to hear.
It will continue to reinforce her control in the most effective and understated way.
Fiendishly Clever
My first favorite file! I was having trouble because I am analytic and self conscious. Standard visualization was not as effective. This one was like nothing I had heard. It avoids all cliche and just keeps coming at your subconscious mind in a pleasantly overwhelming manner. An artist at work!
ExpertLee done
This file is further proof that Lee is a phenomenal hypnotist. I'm not sure how she managed to convince my sub-conscious that hearing her saying her own name would drop me, but holy mother of god once her silky voice emits the syllable Lee, it's like being injected with magic bliss trance potion. The thing about this file is that the "Lee's" just keep coming and coming and coming. I'm practically in a coma by the end. Absolutely remarkable.
The most beautiful name in existence!
After listening to this recording and planning to listen to it many many more times, i can assert that Lee is now the most beautiful, lovely, lyrical and intoxicating name i will ever hear. Can someone become addicted to a name?
Good Night: You know that you want to fall asleep easily at night and have a great next day, yes? Listening to the Good Night audio allows you to sleep deeply and well, restoring your body's natural defenses, helping your mind function properly, and your total self relax . 9 minutes 6/21/2010
"Mental Orgazmics - Erotic Hypnosis" Bring your partner to unexplored worlds of eroticism using your voice and their mind. From fantasies which you may have thought would remain unfulfilled, to instant orgasms, to chastity and ever increasing pleasure, This class focuses on using hypnosis to achieve all the above and more.
Sometimes Mindful meditation is easier when someone else's voice guides you. This audio walks you through getting in touch with your body and how it feels. Can be done while standing or seated. May elicit strong emotions.
Beginner blend of files to help you get into trance and have success accepting suggestions. You can also download it here without having to go through the "buy" process:
Washed Clean: My voice and the sound of rain washes away old hypnotic suggestions from others, installs a waking trance trigger, instills a desire for obedience to me, a craving for and happiness at the sound of my voice. Being marked as mine. Lazy Summer Day is a recommended prerequisite. 14 minutes 10/26/2010
"Sticky Sweet Suggestions" Make your hypnosis magical. This advanced class teaches you skills and techniques to make your hypnosis triggers & suggestions lasting, effective and entrancing. Amnesia, Negative hallucinations, Incredibly deep trances, resetting time & more.
Become More Ticklish: Progressive Relaxation Causes the listener to become more ticklish, and to enjoy being tickled more and more. Repeated listens make this file more and more effective. 18 minutes 7/29/10 created, Lightly edited 1/30/19
1 Review 
(f) As it turns out, my name is remarkably effective for inducing trance. Listen, and find out how!
No spoilers but... You really wantonly excitedly should listen t
Subtle, effective and a way to hear that beautiful voice in so many ways. Once you listen and then listen to other files, you'll understand why "Lee" is the most important name and syllables you want to hear.
It will continue to reinforce her control in the most effective and understated way.