Big Trigger List
This Excel spreadsheet has a large list of triggers, foreign words and phrases, things to do with hypnotic suggestions, and some other useful things.
WelcomeToTheGarden - Skype Trance 1: The first group trance I ever participated in, it was a dual trance, with someone else doing the beginning, and me finishing it up, so I recorded a new beginning and merged the two files. Guided meditation style. 17 minutes 6/15/2010
WelcomeToTheGarden - Skype Trance 1: The first group trance I ever participated in, it was a dual trance, with someone else doing the beginning, and me finishing it up, so I recorded a new beginning and merged the two files. This audio is very tactile, and there are several places in the audio where you should clearly feel different sensations. Guided meditation style. 17 minutes 6/15/2010
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This Excel spreadsheet has a large list of triggers, foreign words and phrases, things to do with hypnotic suggestions, and some other useful things.
Are you a new hypnotist who wants to know what to do once you put someone in a trance, or a hypnotist just looking for some new ideas?
Wild Weather: Do you like storms as much as I do? You may, after listening to this. Arousal tied to the storm, trigger to bring you back to the storm state. 29 minutes 10/01/2010
Become More Ticklish: Progressive Relaxation
Causes the listener to become more ticklish, and to enjoy being tickled more and more. Repeated listens make this file more and more effective. 18 minutes 7/29/10 created, Lightly edited 1/30/19
Your Best Self: This audio brings out and amplifies your best and most positive attributes, removes migraines. 17 Minutes 7/09/2010
Based on "Don't Read This." by Amy Riddoch.
Published July 18. 2015 on MC Stories
"Mental Orgazmics - Erotic Hypnosis"
Bring your partner to unexplored worlds of eroticism using your voice and their mind. From
fantasies which you may have thought would remain unfulfilled, to instant orgasms, to chastity
and ever increasing pleasure, This class focuses on using hypnosis to achieve all the above and more.
Sometimes Mindful meditation is easier when someone else's voice guides you. This audio walks you through getting in touch with your body and how it feels. Can be done while standing or seated. May elicit strong emotions.
Good Night: You know that you want to fall asleep easily at night and have a great next day, yes? Listening to the Good Night audio allows you to sleep deeply and well, restoring your body's natural defenses, helping your mind function properly, and your total self relax . 9 minutes 6/21/2010
Beginner blend of files to help you get into trance and have success accepting suggestions.
You can also download it here without having to go through the "buy" process: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i5xgwmmw2y08k43/Cocktail1.mp3?dl=0
Washed Clean: My voice and the sound of rain washes away old hypnotic suggestions from others, installs a waking trance trigger, instills a desire for obedience to me,
a craving for and happiness at the sound of my voice. Being marked as mine. Lazy Summer Day is a recommended prerequisite. 14 minutes 10/26/2010
Snappy Response - a powerfully trance-inducing audio using snapping and the trigger from LSD to put my subject down. Recorded live.
Group Skype Trance 3: Blue Skies - a caribbean beach trip. 22 minutes 6/23/2010
Whether you have hair or not, you'll want to lather, rinse and repeat this file!
Thanks to @hypno_tease_ya, this little gem of an idea about being conditioned has
-been recorded and made available for all of you. 11 min. 2/25/2014
WelcomeToTheGarden - Skype Trance 1: The first group trance I ever participated in, it was a dual trance, with someone else doing the beginning, and me finishing it up, so I recorded a new beginning and merged the two files. Guided meditation style. 17 minutes 6/15/2010