Lee's new file brings the memory of what it's like to go into trance quickly and wonderfully back into focus. Her voice makes it feel like the memory was so close to the mind's forefront that slipping back into that state was sudden but very pleasant. Especially for those who've tranced to her recordings or in live sessions, it was easy to let her voice and words lead right into that state, though I think this file could persuade someone new to Lee to into a trance state as her words describe it.
The memory and her words prompted as much pleasure as I can remember from previous sessions, and though it felt longer than it did, I still wish it wasn't quick. But this is definitely the kind of file to enjoy when short on time and want a little treat.
Skype Live video hypnosis sessions weekdays. 45 minute Session, Currently $112.50/45 minutes
Sessions are self-scheduled. Create an account and check the schedule at http://www.supersaas.com/schedule/leeallure/LeeAllureHypnosisSessions after you've purchased your session.
Whether you've been in trance once before or a hundred, it really doesn't matter...
Have you ever wanted to feel right on the edge of trance without any effort or will on your own part? Then this is the file for you. It takes you right to the edge of trance before you even know it's happening.
Beginner blend of files to help you get into trance and have success accepting suggestions. You can also download it here without having to go through the "buy" process: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i5xgwmmw2y08k43/Cocktail1.mp3?dl=0
Become More Ticklish: Progressive Relaxation Causes the listener to become more ticklish, and to enjoy being tickled more and more. Repeated listens make this file more and more effective. 18 minutes 7/29/10 created, Lightly edited 1/30/19
Live video hypnosis sessions weekdays. Currently $75/30 minutes
Create an account and check the schedule at http://www.supersaas.com/schedule/leeallure/LeeAllureHypnosisSessions after you've purchased your session. Sessions are self-scheduled.
($) Shiny Silver Submission - This audio brings your submission out to the world, and then brings the world into your submission. Each listen and every time inbetween brings you closer and deeper into submission, making you more aware of how you feel, making you feel more.
Sometimes Mindful meditation is easier when someone else's voice guides you. This audio walks you through getting in touch with your body and how it feels. Can be done while standing or seated. May elicit strong emotions.
Hypno pins! Made of shiny, shiny, black metal, with hypno written in black block lettering, and a reversed image mirrored below that in white.
FIRST CLASS, TRACKED SHIPPING INCLUDED TO THE USA. Make sure that your delivery/shipping address is correct, tks! Shipped in 8x5 teal envelopes with company name as Spiral Eyes, LLC Shipped same/next day.
This audio combines several streams of spoken words, one main stereo audio track, one right and one left, running concurrently, to help confuse, overwhelm, and trance you. 50% of all proceeds from this audio go to the running of DescentHypnosis.com .
Exactly as advertised
Lee's new file brings the memory of what it's like to go into trance quickly and wonderfully back into focus. Her voice makes it feel like the memory was so close to the mind's forefront that slipping back into that state was sudden but very pleasant. Especially for those who've tranced to her recordings or in live sessions, it was easy to let her voice and words lead right into that state, though I think this file could persuade someone new to Lee to into a trance state as her words describe it.
The memory and her words prompted as much pleasure as I can remember from previous sessions, and though it felt longer than it did, I still wish it wasn't quick. But this is definitely the kind of file to enjoy when short on time and want a little treat.
Thank you for another great file Lee.