Sticky - that describes really good hypnotic suggestions. This file is designed to allow my suggestions to stick to your mind, better than any other suggestions may ever have before. It also allows those suggestions and my hypnosis to be really sweet and pleasant to you. Installs an amnesia trigger and reinforces other suggestions I may have given you in the past, and that I may give you in the future.
Amplify and embed past and future triggers and commands
This recording does what it says on the tin, I don't remember much about it, other than after listening all of Lee's triggers and programming have become more intense and embedded in my mind. I follow them unquestioning and immediately. Following Miss Lee's programming or hearing a trigger has a deeper and more intense effect. The triggers are stuck in my mind, any new triggers are deeply programmed into my brain. It is such a sweet pleasure to hear Miss Lee's voice and to be programmed and triggered by Her.
A "mind-opener"
The desription of the file is very simple but couldn't be any more true. With her wonderful menatl images, Lee carefully but also very consistently gets you to open up to her, to let her inside your mind where she manipulates you in such a wonderful and pleasant way that is simply irresistible. And then she plants her suggestions that will make all the other files of the dark series (and not only) so much more effective. Personally, I love the amnesia element in here as it just leaves me with pleasant feelings afterwards and lets my unconscious mind deal with the effects. Highly recommendable!
Always Useful!
This is one of my favorite files to come back to over and over again. It was probably the fifth file I ever listened to by Miss Lee, and the first of Miss Lee's with any d/s overtones. It serves as a great introduction to Miss Lee's style of establishing control: your mind hangs on her words because it feels good to do so. As you venture deeper into Dark Side files, good becomes right, right becomes need, and need becomes automatic restructuring of the way you think. The use of amnesia here really makes this a powerful next step after deep, making it easy to let go of the explicit suggestions so the unconscious mind can do its work.
However, what I love most about this file is the way that it amplifies the rest of the suggestions made in the Dark Side series. Listening to this before a Dark Side file always made the effects more intense and more long-lasting. Even years after my first introduction to this file, I still come back to it and throw it into playlists of Miss Lee's files to intensify their effects.
1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
I'm so glad for this one.
This is such a necessary file for me since I have trouble getting things to "stick" while in trance. Well, that's not a problem anymore with this recording. Before listening to something new I'll be sure to queue this one up first and I'm good to go.
($) You know that money is power. Because you love to be financially controlled, you're the weak one, and must keep turning your money over to a strong woman in order for that balance to be maintained. This is a stand alone audio. No others are required, but Sticky & Love Dart go VERY well in front of it, and the POPC series is a potent chaser.
($) Some addictions are bad for you. This one is very, very good for you. Why? The sound of my voice can do amazing things to you and for you, and all you have to do is to say "Yes".
($)Go more deeply into trance, more easily, more naturally, than before. Repeated listens enhance effects. Make sure you pick up the free file Lazy Summer Day, before listening to this one.
15 Reviews 
($) This file makes your mind allow suggestions and triggers to be more strongly attached to it, in a most pleasant way.
Amplify and embed past and future triggers and commands
This recording does what it says on the tin, I don't remember much about it, other than after listening all of Lee's triggers and programming have become more intense and embedded in my mind. I follow them unquestioning and immediately. Following Miss Lee's programming or hearing a trigger has a deeper and more intense effect. The triggers are stuck in my mind, any new triggers are deeply programmed into my brain. It is such a sweet pleasure to hear Miss Lee's voice and to be programmed and triggered by Her.