Good Job!
  • Good Job!

Good Job!


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This is based on... my love of hypnotized yard slaves, a demonstration I did with ChewToy at DeepMindDarkWood, a dream he had, a conversation we had after that dream, an agreement for him to write that up as a story, and me to make an audio to go along with it. It's complicated. And yet, a powerful 13 minutes that you definitely can find time to listen to over and over, can't you?

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I Need to Serve

This is an amazingly powerful file that leaves me needing to serve Miss Lee and to do a good job. I want to keep listening and training to this file to improve myself and my obedience to Lee.



Lee is irresistible

I do not remember much about the content of this session, even after listening twice. The only thing I am certain of is that I have been given a powerful new compulsion, and I'm eager to see how I will be affected as I fall under the influence of Her voice.



This is the second or third files of Miss Lee's you should tranc

I made the mistake of not exploring and listening to the many free files, Miss Lee has generously provided for us.

This will properly condition you to learn how and why Service is important and why you must find your way. I didn't understand when Miss Lee told me to explore and find my own Service. This is the file you need and should listen to for at least a week. It will condition your journey to becoming successful in your Service to Her.



I really want to do a good job now!

I really want to do a good job for Lee after listening to this file. I want to listen to this file again and again. its a complicated file because there's multiple voices playing, but in the end, I just want to serve lee more fully in hopes that she'll tell me I did a good job.

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Good Job!

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